DDD Communication - July 28, 2023

DDD Communication
July 28, 2023



On July 7, 2023, the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) was notified by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) of the approval of the State Plan Amendment that increases the rates for Intermediate Care Facilities (ICFs) and Medically Complex for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (MC/DD) facilities. As a follow-up to that approval, this week HFS posted the rates for ICFs and MC/DD facilities effective January 1, 2023. The ICFs and MC/DD Provider Rates can be viewed online. HFS will also be issuing a provider notice detailing the timing for adjustments to claims that have already been paid at the old rates. As a reminder, these rate increases are as follows:

  1. $1.00 per hour wage increase to Aide wages for ICFs, ICF developmental training programs, and MC/DD facilities;
  2. Increase to ERE (fringe benefit) percentage from 21% to 29.9% for Aides in ICFs, ICF developmental training programs, and MC/DD facilities; and
  3. Wage increases for other frontline staff wages to the federal Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics mean hour wage and ERE (fringe benefit) percentage increases: QIDP (28.1%) and Nurse (24.9%).


DDD wanted to provide some updates to stakeholders regarding the Transformation work happening at Choate Mental Health and Developmental Center and across the State-Operated Developmental Centers (SODCs):

  • Repurposing: In March 2023, the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) and Southern Illinois University School of Medicine (SIU SOM) entered into an agreement to have SIU SOM review Choate and make recommendations regarding safety, repurposing, and access to services in the community. Earlier this month, SIU SOM released their report: Choate Transformation Report: Phase One,?which can be found on the DD System Transformation webpage.
  • Individual Transitions: To date, 14 resident transitions have been completed: 3 transitioned to Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) settings, 2 returned to their family home, and 9 transitioned to other SODCs.
  • Camera Installation: Additional indoor camera wiring was completed on July 14.?The installer was back onsite July 24 to begin the installation of indoor cameras.

If there are additional provider agencies interested in working with DDD on transitioning individuals from Choate, or any of the SODCs, please reach out to Melissa Reynolds, Transition Coordinator at melissa.reynolds@illinois.gov.


DDD was made aware that there were issues with missing vouchers for May CILA and Community Day Services (CDS) billings. At this time, DDD and the Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT) believe all missing payment vouchers billed in June 2023 for May CILA and CDS services have now been identified and resent back through the payment system as of July 17, 2023.?Providers with missing vouchers should be able to check the Comptroller's website and check for the warrant information on the previously missing payments.?All providers are strongly encouraged to check every DDD voucher processed in June 2023 and confirm your agency has received all payments and warrants from the Comptroller's Office.?If you find any missing warrants for any vouchers, please reach out to provide DDD with the following information:?Agency Name, Agency FEIN, Voucher Number, Voucher Date, Voucher Amount, Bill Code(s) for which the Voucher was submitted (i.e., 60D, 61H, 62H, 63H, 31U, 31C, 53R, 53D, etc.). Missing Voucher Payment information should be sent to DHS.DDDComments@Illinois.Gov.


DDD is hosting a Rule 116 Tool technical assistance webinar.?This webinar is intended for Registered Nurse Trainers (RNTs) at community provider agencies. DDD will go over the current tool and provide explanations of expectations. The purpose of this webinar is only to clarify current expectations; there are no new expectations.

Webinar: Rule 116 Tool - RN Trainer Technical Assistance
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023?
Time: 1:00 - 3:30 p.m.


As a reminder, this year's Lapse Period closes early and comes up very soon. All corrected billing for FY23 must be submitted in ROCS no later than Monday, August 7, 2023. This date also applies to identifying and reporting any missing voucher payments. Please see the July 11, 2023, DDD Communication for detailed information on Lapse Period billing deadlines.