COVID-19 Community Day Services (CDS) & Residential Rates and Reimbursement

Illinois Department of Human Services

Information Bulletin

Division of Developmental Disabilities



This Information Bulletin replaces policy/guidance previously given in DD.20.025, DD.20.008, DDD.21.011 and DDD.22.009.

The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) is committed to protecting individuals with developmental disabilities in Illinois. This communication is intended to provide updated guidance on Rates, Billing, and Payments for DDD services.

For more information please contact:

POS: Nikki Carnes-Peter at  

CILA & CDS: Diane Garbin at


DDD is terminating temporary changes implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic to assist agencies to operate. The changes were only allowed during effective dates as defined by DDD.

Documentation and Signatures:

  1. Effective October 1, 2023, verbal and e-mail signatures will no longer be accepted. If an individual or guardian (if applicable) refuses to meet in person, the Independent Service Coordination (ISC) agency or provider agency will be required to continue to attempt to get an original signature.
  2. Providers are able to use software, such as Adobe, to insert a digital or electronic signature on some forms required by DDD. A digital signature is authorized to be used when the signer uses a digital certificate issued by a certificate authority with the appropriate public key infrastructure (PKI). There are online sources for obtaining a digital certificate. As a reminder, a document can't be changed once the original signer uses their digital signature to sign the document.

Remote Activities/Services:

  1. It is expected all waiver services are to have been provided in person effective July 1, 2021. Effective October 1, 2023, all waiver services will be required to be provided in person. No services will be allowed to be provided remotely except for Virtual Day Services as outlined in the Waiver Manual.
  2. Individual/Family/Guardian/Provider Choice:
    1. Individual, guardian (if applicable), and family choices should be respected. In the event an individual, family/guardian (if applicable), or provider staff at a specific residential setting indicates a face-to-face visit cannot be safely accommodated at a specific point in time, the residential provider agency will work with the service provider and individual to find an alternate location, date/time, or method to conduct the visit.

Community Integrated Living Arrangements (CILA):

  1. Effective October 1, 2023, alternate sites are no longer acceptable due to an emergency situation. Any CILA site must be an approved site through the Bureau of Accreditation, Licensure, and Certification (BALC).

Community Day Services (CDS) Multiple Types 31C, 31U, 31V, 33G, 35U, 36G, 36U, 37U, 38C, 38U:

  1. CDS services (31U/31C) were authorized to reopen fully effective September 1, 2020. Please follow guidance posted in DDD Information Bulletins for guidance specific to these services.

ICF/DD & ICF/DD Day Programs (formerly Developmental Training, also known as CDS):

The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) has provided rate information and billing specifics both for additional residential funding, as well as CDS payment, during the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing.

The information contained herein should not be considered a substitute for the appropriate official statutes, rules, regulations, or the advice of legal counsel.

Effective Date:

This Information Bulletin is effective upon final posting.