CESSA - Region 7 Committee Meeting Approved Minutes 06/22/2023

Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) Region 7 Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes - June 22, 2023 - 9:00 - 10:30 AM via Zoom

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 07/20/2023

  • Welcome & Call to Order - CESSA Region 7 Advisory Membership Committee
    • Dr. Katherine Darr (Chairperson) called the meeting to order at 9:01am
    • Attendees: Dr. Katherine Darr, Dr. Sharronne Ward, Marianne Bithos, Alyssa Marrero, Matthew Fishback, Leodis Scott, Chief Robert Kopec, Douglas Jones, Dr. Joseph Troiani, Bonnie Hassan, Anthony Marzano, Sarah White, Kristi De Laurentiis.
    • Absent - Renee Donaldson, Jeffery Carey, Kim Buckheister, Ryan Dillon, Jennifer Brothers, Whitney Bunts, Chief Mitchell Davis, Chief Marc Maton, Kevin Bernard,
    • State representative: Brenda Hampton - UIC (HUB)
  • Open Meetings Act
    • Dr. Darr reviewed the Illinois Open Meetings Act.
  • Approval of the Minutes from the previous meeting
    • Motion to approve was made by Douglas Jones and seconded by Anthony Marzano.
  • State Updates
    • Brenda Hampton UIC- (HUB) - Elaboration on the Interim Risk Level Matrix Clarification Guidance - See RAC Presentation for additional information pertaining to: HB1364 988 Working Group and CESSA and HB3230 Cost Analysis
  • Review & adopt Interim Risk Level Matrix
    • Dr. Darr - Reviewed details of the Interim Risk Level Matrix - RAC 7 Working Groups meetings submitted draft documents to CESSA representing phase 1 response of the state provided Toolkit. - See RAC Presentation
    • PSAP Landscape Analysis Surveys have been submitted accordingly.
    • Interim Risk Level Matrix (2 & 3) - See RAC Presentation.
    • Interim Risk Level Matrix, Levels 4 & 1 (Standard across the state) - See RAC Presentation.
    • Long term, Interim and Current Plans exist with configuration combinations to address crises for both Urgent and Moderate Risk - See RAC Presentation
  • Public Comments
    • Kristi De Laurentiis inquired about other RAC implementation challenges i.e., 590 crises throughout the state that are recognized by CESSA. Dr. Darr mentioned that funding represents a new resources challenge. Krisiti asked about a consolidated RAC report by CESSA. Brenda Hampton (UIC HUB), said the report is unavailable at this time, but the RACs will continue to participate at the SAC meetings to share their accomplishments.
    • Brenda also address Kristi De Laurentiis and Matthew Fishback's question pertaining to the Arizona 590 crises response times, which are relevant to RAC 7i.e., urban area 60 minutes and rural areas 90 minutes. Brenda mentioned the challenges of hiring, staffing, background checks and retention as addressing the program.
    • Dr. Troiani reported that Will and Grundy Counties - provides CIT Training and includes state funding for summer and fall training classes for CIT (law enforcement, first responders). He also mentioned a three-year 25 class per year ARPA funded CIT classes. Additionally, questions included the number of CIT officers trained.
    • Chief Kopec mentioned signing the medical refusal as a possible issue.
    • Brenda stated that RAC 7 deliverables are current i.e., Interim Level Risk Matrix and PSAP Landscape Analysis Surveys, next step To Be Determined.
    • Dr. Ward reported that the RAC is planning a meeting with "Group Homes in the Community" to address challenges, more information will follow .
  • Next Meeting: Thursday, July 20, 2023 (9:00am - 10:30am CST) via Zoom
  • Adjournment: Motioned by Douglas Jones and seconded by Kristi De Laurentiis,meeting ended 10:32 am CST.