CESSA Technology, Systems Integration & Data Management Subcommittee Meeting - Approved Minutes 06/05/2023

CESSA Subcommittee for Technology, Systems Integration & Data Management (TSIDM)

June 5, 2023, 2:30 - 4:00 pm

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 07/11/2023

Subcommittee members: Brent Reynolds, Cindy Barbera-Brelle, David Albert (Designee-Lee Ann Reinert), Richard Manthy, Alice Cary, Jim Kaitschuk, Ashley Thoele (Designee - Patrick Sennett)

Expert Consultant Group (ECG) members: Peter Eckart, Chris Baldwin

  1. Welcome and Call to Order
  2. Meeting Logistics/OMA
  3. Roll Call and Approval of Minutes from previous TSIDM meeting
  4. Discussion regarding data needs and collection
  5. State Updates
  6. Wrap Up
  7. Public Comment
  8. Adjournment

The meeting was opened by Brent Reynolds at 2:31 pm.

Roll call:

Present: Reynolds, Manthy, Reinert, Kaitschuk

Approval of previous meeting minutes: Motion to approve by Manthy, Second by Kaitschuk. Approved by Reynolds, Kaitschuk, Reinert, and Manthy.

State Updates:

Lee Ann Reinert: CESSA legislation passed House and Senate, extending the deadline to July 1, 2024. Language was added to clarify the 'prohibition language' - mental health crisis responders cannot participate in involuntary commitment - this specific clause is not going into effect until July 1, 2024. Additionally, they added clarification around definition of 'responder' to mean mental health crisis responder. Now that we have an extra 12 months, we intend to address some concerns in a more meaningful way that we may not have had time for.

  • HB1364 creates a 988 workgroup focused on the lifeline and the implementation and sustainability
  • HB3230, DMH cost analysis which also includes sustainability issues.
  • Legal counsel has provided confirmation that the meetings we are having with SAC and RAC are still able to be held remotely. We have experienced much more robust participation and people have much more equitable access. We will establish a calendar of events beyond our July 1, 2023 calendar year.

Peter: Using the month of June to develop a plan for FY 24. We know that there are so many moving pieces, so we are dedicating this month, from the perspective of the UIC crisis hub and our partnership with DMH, to develop a plan as clear as our last plan and take advantage of everything we have learned.

  • Sprint at a Glance: Calendar of Deliverables
    • We will create a new calendar, most likely by quarters.
    • An incredible amount of work has been achieved thus far.
    • Three new items are underway in TSIDM.
    • Training committee has started getting underway as well.
    • We are well positioned to move forward in a really substantial way.

Discussion: What worked on this Subcommittee? What didn't work? Recommendations for 2024?

  • What worked?
    • Rick Manthy: Having clear direction out of the gate. Concentrating on language in the act for goals and getting more specific. Which language items in the act are achievable? What are near term goals? What are longer terms goals?
    • Brent Reynolds: I agree. Peter deserves a pat on the back for keeping the subcommittee on track. The dependability of the committee members. The dedication and determination have worked well for the subcommittee. I think it's very easy for us to let something slide (with the extension), but what works for us is keeping things moving.
    • Kevin Richardson - PATH. One thing that I would like to see moving forward is the real practical piece for things. I think we do a good job of discussing in the generalized theory way, but how are these actually going to work? How are they going to use the technology? What data is going to be prioritized? How is that going to change in the future? We really need to get that right and have everyone on the same page.
    • Chris Baldwin - PATH. One thing that has been useful is how attentive this meeting is to the concerns of the expert consultants. Some other meetings have not been as proactive about seeking feedback, and that is something we certainly appreciate about this meeting.
    • Susan Schafer - Member of the public. The times that you have not waited until the end to listen to the public comment if they have wanted to comment is something that is very beneficial in this kind of meeting. There were a lot of honest conversations among members of the committee and showed what all this entails.
  • What didn't?
    • Brent Reynolds: I think that as the co-chair I could have done better to promote others to attend this and get engaged. It was frustrating at times that our input was not utilized more, or earlier. This is something that is going to have an impact on many. Although there are some excellent participants here, it would be good to have people here to give us recommendations and provide feedback, so we don't miss the mark. I don't think we've had enough participation outside of the folks that are present. This is something that hasn't been done in Illinois and I just think more people should be engaged.
    • Rick Manthy: When we started, we made a lot of assumptions with the 988 and 590s about what data was available, but bringing them in for level setting has been helpful. I really appreciate their input. It's going to have a big role in the final outcome of this committee.
    • Kevin Richardson - PATH: I think something is disseminating the information from this committee to the regional committees, and ensuring that everyone, no matter what region they are a part of, understand where everything is headed and what they are a part of. It's clear that sometimes not everyone is on the same page.
  • Recommendations for FY24
    • Brent Reynolds: I think it wouldn't hurt for us to review the dates and times that were selected early on in this and we communicate some type of survey to make sure this is the best date and time for this meeting.

Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday June 20th, 9 am. Brent Reynolds. Some 911 folks are traveling for a conference, and I would rather cancel the meeting than no one show up. If we brough this group back to just vote on more meetings moving forwards, would that help? We will do that. We will come back on June 20th to vote on additional meetings.

Public Comment: No hands raised.

Meeting adjourned by Brent Reynolds without opposition at 3:27 p.m.