IORAB Medical & Research Workgroup Minutes 5.16.23

Illinois Opioid Remediation Advisory Board

  • Medical & Research Working Group Meeting
  • May 16, 2023
  • Virtual Meeting Held Via Zoom


Welcome and Roll Call

  • Sue Pickett, PhD of Advocates for Human Potential, Inc., facilitator, welcomed the group and roll call was taken. All members were present except for Ms. Thome, Dr. Ray, Dr. Bocanegra, Dr. Dennis, Ms. Mehl, and Dr. Rose. Quorum was established. Dr. Adams, Medical & Research Working Group Chair, welcomed the group.

Review and Approval of April 18, 2023 Meeting Minutes

  • Dr. Adams called for a motion to approve the April 18 meeting minutes. Ms. Perillo made a motion to approve the minutes. Ms. Juul seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor of approving the minutes. The motion passed.
  • A member commented on the meeting minutes, noting that many county jails, particularly in rural communities, don't offer medication-assisted recovery (MAR). It would be helpful to obtain information on MAR in county jails, as well as which hospital emergency departments (EDs) are offering buprenorphine in the ED. Dr. Pickett noted that there is a survey planned to gather information on buprenorphine prescribing in the ED.

IORAB April 19, 2023 Meeting Updates

  • Sherrine Peyton, Statewide Opioid Settlement Administrator (SOSA), and Drs. Adams and Pickett gave an update on the April 19th IORAB meeting. Dr. Adams presented the Medical & Research Working Group' Summary Statement and Proposed Recommendations for Best Practices document at the meeting. No recommendations were voted on during the meeting.

Recommendation Submission Form and Review Process

  • Ms. Peyton presented the Opioid Settlement Funding (OSF) Core Abatement Strategy Recommendation Submission Form. Going forward, the form must be completed and submitted when proposing recommendations. The form will be posted on the IORAB website (IDHS: Illinois Opioid Remediation Advisory Board (
    • The form includes links to websites and documents that should be reviewed prior to completing the form: IDHS: Illinois Opioid Remediation Advisory Board (; Illinois-Opioid-Allocation-Agreement-Fully-Executed.pdf (; State of Illinois Opioid Action Plan 2022; Executive Order 2020-02.pdf; Executive order 2022-19.
    • The core abatement strategy being proposed, and the State of Illinois Overdose Action Plan (SOAP) priority category must be selected. If there is a disparity related to the priority, this should be noted. If data are available to demonstrate need, this should be included.
    • For each strategy, a separate form should be completed.
    • Once completed, the form should be submitted to Ms. Peyton at with the subject line Core Abatement Strategy (CAS) Recommendation. No other individuals should be copied on the email.
    • Following submission, Ms. Peyton will acknowledge receipt of the form. Ms. Peyton will gather more information to support the recommendation for IORAB review.
  • The group discussed the recommendation form and review process.
    • Ms. Peyton clarified that individual organizations should not fill out the form. After recommendations are approved and certified by the Attorney General, Notice of Funding Opportunities will be developed. Individual organizations will be able to respond to NOFOs and submit applications for funding via the NOFO process.
    • A concern was raised about using a separate form for multiple strategies that are part of a comprehensive plan.

Priority Recommendations for the IORAB

  • Ms. Peyton reviewed the Criminal Justice-Involved Population Recommendation Form she developed to support the Working Group's criminal justice-involved population recommendation. She will submit the form on behalf of the group.
    • There was discussion about evidence-based and evidence-informed strategies. A member noted that the criminal justice system should be required to using evidence-based practices. Another member noted that there are some effective programs that are too new to be considered evidence-based.
    • There was a question about the amount of funding requested for the recommendation. This has not been determined and can be decided later.
    • The group discussed changes to the document. It was suggested that the first sentence of the proposal should be edited into additional sentences (rather than just remain as one long sentence). It was also suggested that the proposal be more specific, and that harm reduction should be emphasized. Ms. Peyton explained that she cuts and pastes from the allocation agreement to develop the text.
    • Ms. Peyton explained that the IORAB does not have the authority to write NOFOs, contracts or intergovernmental agreements. The IORAB will only decide whether funding for the strategy is recommended. Strategies recommended by the IORAB will move to the Steering Committee for review and approval.
    • A member asked when edits to the recommendation form should be submitted. Dr. Pickett suggested that edits be submitted as soon as possible in order to ensure that the form is ready to share at the July 13th IORAB meeting. Suggested edits to the document should be sent to Ms. Peyton at

Public Participation

  • A member of the public requested more clarification about what coalitions or groups could submit the recommendation form.


  • Dr. Adams asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Dr. Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Dr. Wise seconded the motion. All working group members present voted in favor of adjourning the meeting. The motion passed. The meeting adjourned. The next Medical & Research Working Group meeting will be held on June 20, 2023 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm.