CESSA - Region 1 Committee Meeting Approved Minutes 05/04/2023

Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) Region 1 Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes- Thursday, 05/04/2023 - 2:00 PM

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 06/13/2023

  1. Open Meetings Act
    • These meetings will be subject to Open Meetings Act.
    • A copy of the agendas and meeting minutes will be posted to the Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Mental Health Open Meetings Page.
  2. Call to Order/Approval of Minutes
    • Meeting called to order at 2:03 pm by Patrick Phelan.
    • Previous Meeting minutes approved by motion of Jason Holcomb, seconded by Dr. Muhammad Shareef. Approved unanimously.
  3. Members Present:
    • Via web-based Teams: Patrick Phelan, Brenda Hampton, Jason Leverton, Chris Baldwin, Danielle Angileri, Deanna Cada, Jason Holcomb, Heather Butler, Dr. Muhammad Shareef.
    • Absent-, Tessa Lohse, Dave Lohse Collette Mickelsen, Jennifer Fey, Brandon Lieber, Chris Scroll, Joshua Lewis, Joan Lodge, John Girone.
  4. Progress on Developing RAC Recommendations for the Interim Risk Level Matrix
    • Patrick Phelan discussed:
      • Two tasks that were being worked on were Landscape Matrix and Interim Risk Level Matrix Toolkit.
      • We have responses from all but one PSAP on the Landscape Matrix. We will work on getting that last PSAP response.
      • Heather Butler assisted in finding out more information regarding the Interim Risk Level Matrix. Heather gathered from a meeting (that included most of the PSAPs) that the PSAPS are still trying to figure the software out, and that it is still a waiting game right now.
      • Heather attended another meeting that discussed extending the deadline for the work that still needs to be done. There is discussion on extending the deadline for another year.
      • Brenda Hampton let the members know that we are taking the proper time, that planning needs to be done carefully.
      • Deanna Cada asked what else needed to be done to get the Interim Level Matrix Toolkits completely ready to go. Deanna wants to know if there is anything that she can discuss with her group to contribute to the Toolkits being completed.
      • Brenda responded to Deanna's question and let the members know to look at what resources are available to each region and providers and make recommendations after each region knows where they are at.
      • Heather Butler also replied to Deanna Cada's question. Heather let the members know that currently 911 can't transfer calls to 988. Dekalb County is going to use their local crisis number for the Interim.
      • Jason Holcomb asked if we are gathering information as an aggregated region or are we doing breakouts for different counties.
      • Patrick replied to Jason's question and let the members know that now we are waiting for responses from all the PSAPs.
      • Jason Holcomb asked to be familiarized with what PSAP stands for.
      • Brenda Hampton and Heather Butler both replied that it stands for "Public Safety Answering Point."
  5. Questions and Answers: None
  6. State Updates
    • Brenda Hampton discussed:
      • There has been discussion on changing the risk level matrix from a level 4 to a level 3. The Standards and Protocols Committee went through the process of getting approval from the SEC. This has been approved and moving forward there will be flexibility and making decisions on level two and three.
      • There is a SEC meeting Monday May 8th at 1:00 o'clock pm.
      • Brenda showed the members the 2023 CESSA Sprint at a Glance: The yellow highlights showed work that has been accomplished. There is still plenty of work that needs to be done.
      • Patrick asked Brenda if there were any updates on in-person meetings.
      • Brenda let the committee know that at this time we should still be scheduling virtual meetings.
  7. Next Meeting: Thursday 06/13/2023 at 2:00pm. Subsequent meetings will be held at 8:00am on July 10, 2023, August 16, 2023, and September 20, 2023.
  8. Public Comments: None
  9. Dismissal: Meeting was adjourned at 3:00pm.