June 15, 2023 DDD Communication

DDD Communication
June 14, 2023


Last Thursday, June 8, 2023, Governor J.B. Pritzker signed the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget. That budget, set to be effective July 1, 2024, includes the following as it relates to new funding within the Division of Developmental Disabilities' (DDD) Budget:

  • Guidehouse Rate Study Increases
    • $2.50/hour DSP (waiver and ICF) wage increase (effective January 1, 2024, subject to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approval)
    • CDS regionalization (also effective January 1, 2024, subject to federal CMS approval)
    • Annualization of the FY23 wage increases, regionality and CILA rate calculator
  • PUNS
    • 700 adult PUNS placements
    • 500 children/young adult PUNS placements
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
    • Annualization of FY23 (January 1, 2023) increase and funding for potential Jan. 1, 2024, increase(s)
  • Other initiatives
    • Stabilization homes expansion, I/DD telehealth services


DDD has been informed by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) that the implementation of EVV is being delayed by a month. The new effective date for EVV requirements will be September 1, 2023. DDD continues to work with HFS on the policy for the live in caregiver exemption and will provide information soon.


DDD has published two Draft Information Bulletins recently. If you are interested in submitting comments on either bulletin, please submit via DHS.DDDComments@illinois.gov. The Draft Information Bulletins open for public comment are as follows:

  • Remote Support (replaces DD.21.019)
  • Crisis Process (replaces portions of DD.21.005) (The comment period for this Draft Information Bulletin closes tomorrow, Thursday, June 15, 2023.)


As a reminder, DDD is required to complete certain performance measures for each of the three Medicaid waivers DDD operates. Last year, DDD began requesting training data to meet performance measure requirements. At that time, based on feedback received, DDD paused the data request to give providers time to adapt to the person-centered planning (PCP) changes and to meet the final Settings Rule expectations. At this time, and has already been communicated, DDD is revisiting this expectation. In order to meet this requirement, DDD has created a short survey on the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) website that all provider agencies employing Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) as well as ISC agencies need to complete. The survey asks only for data on certain staff, so please review the information in the survey closely before completing. Surveys must be completed and submitted by June 20, 2023. If you have any questions, contact Kristin.Semanik@illinois.gov.

DSP Training Data Survey (Only for provider agencies)

ISC Training Data Survey (Only for ISC agencies)

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