Policy Memo
- Due to ongoing challenges during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE), Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) approved the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) to exercise regulatory flexibilities to terminate and write-off SNAP overpayment claims from March 2020 through March 2023. The waiver to request an additional extension was only extended through 03/31/2023 and ended effective 04/01/2023.
- This action did not include cases with Suspected Intentional Program Violations (SIPV), Intentional Program Violation (IPV), and cases with an existing overpayment which began prior to the March 2020 COVID-19 PHE, as those cases will remain in collection status. See PM 23-02-02-a for more information on IPV/SIPV cases.
- The Bureau of Collections (BOC) will continue to process SNAP overpayment claims outside of the authorized timeframe or due to an IPV/SIPV.
- Family Community Resource Centers (FCRCs) should continue to refer all over issuances found as the result of a Quality Control Review to BOC, regardless of the size of the overpayment.
- BOC will notify and advise clients regarding overpayments on their case.
SNAP Overpayments During the COVID-19 PHE
- Due to the ongoing challenges during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE), Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) approved an extension to exercise regulatory flexibilities to terminate and write-off SNAP overpayment claims. The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) stopped collection activity already established during the COVID-19 PHE with an overpayment period beginning March 2020 through March 2023. The waiver was only extended through 03/31/2023 and ended effective 04/01/2023.
Bureau of Collections and IPV/SIPV Cases
Cases with an Intentional Program Violation (IPV) or a Suspected Intentional Program Violation (SIPV) remain in collection status. The Bureau of Collections (BOC) will continue to process SNAP overpayment claims outside of the authorized timeframe or due to an IPV/SIPV. Review PM 23-02-02-a for policy and guidance on IPV/SIPV cases. SNAP cases with an IPV/SIPV do not qualify for this flexibility and will continue to be processed accordingly.
FCRC Action
Family Community Resource Centers (FCRCs) should continue to refer all over issuances found as the result of a Quality Control Review to the Bureau of Collections, regardless of the size of the overpayment. For questions and concerns, staff should refer customers to BOC by calling 1-(800) 457-6273.
Client Notice
BOC will notify and advise clients regarding overpayments on their case. FCRC staff are encouraged to refer customers to BOC for overpayment inquiries.
Obsolete Policy Memos
The following Policy Memos are obsolete:
SNAP Overpayments During COVID-19 Pandemic Health Emergency, dated 06/22/2022.
Extended - Overpayment Claims During COVID-19 Pandemic, dated 09/13/2022.
SNAP Overpayments Waived During COVID-19 Pandemic, dated 03/01/2023.
[signed copy on file]
Grace B. Hou
Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services
Forms referenced: