WAG 08-01-05-a.
Child support payments must be earmarked for a child who receives SSI. When a child support order includes more than one child, and one of the children receives SSI, earmark the SSI child's share of the child support, and do not use
it when determining the rest of the unit's eligibility for TANF.
When a support order only applies to an SSI child, do not use the support payments when determining the rest of the unit's eligibility for TANF. Also, do not report or send the SSI child's earmarked child support to the Division of Child Support
Enforcement (DCSE).
Review a case with an SSI child for possible earmarking for all the reasons listed in policy (see PM 08-01-05) and:
- when removing a child from a case due to the receipt of SSI, or
- when reviewing the list of cases of children deleted from a TANF case due to receipt of SSI, or
- when the caseworker discovers an SSI child whose child support must be earmarked.