CESSA Technology, Systems Integration & Data Management Subcommittee Meeting - Approved Minutes 5/01/2023

CESSA Subcommittee for Technology, Systems Integration & Data Management (TSIDM)

May 1, 2023, 2:30 - 3:30 pm

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 05/15/2023


Subcommittee members: Brent Reynolds, Cindy Barbera-Brelle, David Albert (Designee-Lee Ann Reinert), Richard Manthy, Alice Cary, Jim Kaitschuk, Ashley Thoele (Designee - Patrick Sennett)

Expert Consultant Group (ECG) members: Peter Eckart, Chris Baldwin

  1. Welcome and Call to Order
  2. Meeting Logistics/OMA
  3. Roll Call and Approval of Minutes from previous TSIDM meeting
  4. Discussion regarding data needs and collection
  5. State Updates
  6. Wrap Up
  7. Public Comment
  8. Adjournment

The meeting was opened by Peter Eckart at 2:33

Roll call:

Present: Rick Manthy, Brent Reynolds, Cindy Barbera-Brelle, Jim Kaitschuk, Lee Ann Reinert

Approval of previous meeting minutes: Motion to approve by Brent Reynolds, Second by Cindy Barbera-Brelle. Approved by Rick Manthy, Brent Reynolds, Cindy Barbera-Brelle, Jim Kaitschuk. Abstain vote by Lee Ann Reinert.


  • (Rick Manthy) The volume of calls coordinated between 911 and 988. The Volume of referrals from other first responders to 988.
    • Most of the information gathering will come from the 911 PSAPs
    • Reynolds: Currently we do not have the ability to gather this information.
    • Lee Ann: We are requesting our current state call centers to report to us when they make referrals to 911 so we could potentially get this volume, but it's been relatively low at this point. One of the concerns I have is that 988 is a national system and sometimes calls originating in Illinois are going to a call center in another State of one of the 15 national backup centers. When the calls go to a center outside of the state, they are not aware of the new Illinois infrastructure. There is potential for a lot of problems to arise here.
      • Rick - Would you say that if someone calls 988 they are able to say where the call came from? 911, other first responder, etc?
        • Christopher Baldwin - Yes, we can track this. We have combined all of Emergency Services into one category. (It has been less than 5% of our calls so far.) We have also created a referral source, so how the caller found out about the number.
        • The more data forms and given data options, the longer the operator has to sort through information. If they're spending a long time looking through a really long form of options this will extend call time
  • Peter: We decided to break our set of deliverables into two sets. We can walk through our first set today.
    • Set 1
    • Benchmarks to measure system performance
    • Data collection plan for aggregate statewide data and regional data including an assessment of gaps in data collection or recommendations for new data fields
    • Sample reports
      • Rick Manthy - It seems like it makes more logical sense to start out collecting at the PSAP level then from the 988 center. We probably are not going to be able to initially break down the data by region, it will be strictly by call center.
      • Peter: Cindy - Outside of the city of Chicago, how many PSAPs relate to multiple regions?
    • How much of these recommendations do we have access to now? How many do we have to fill in in the future?
      • 1. Number and percentage of MH/BH crisis calls received by 911 meeting criteria for transfer to 988, transferred to 988
        • Total calls to 911 PSAPs (Yes)
        • Number of MH/BH crisis calls received by 911 (PSAPs can partially report depending on the agency and protocol)
          • Jim Kaitschuk - Do PSAPs represent emergency and non-emergency numbers? (A) Yes. Rick Manthy - Breaking them down between who called which number would probably not be practical though.
        • Number of MH/BH crisis calls received by 911 meeting criteria for transfer to 988 (number not available now as recommendations to not exist)
          • Chris Baldwin: If calls take longer than 2 minutes to answer, they will be re-routed to another center. Ideally it would be to another center in the state of Illinois, but that will depend on open hours. They could get routed to one of the backup centers
          • If PSAPs and 988s are recording their data, the best thing to do will be to compare the numbers when they are reported to see how the transfers are being made
      • 2. Number and percentage of MH/BH crisis calls received by 988 meeting criteria for transfer to 590, transferred to 590 (All collected by PATH currently)
        • Total calls to 988
        • Number of MH/BH crisis calls received by 988
        • Number of MH/BH crisis calls received by 988 meeting criteria for transfer to 590/MCRT
      • 3. Number and percentage of MH/BH crisis contacts referred from LE or EMS to 988 (need total LE MH/BH crisis contacts)
        • Total outgoing calls from LE or EMS to 988 (LE and EMS ("prehospital")?
    • Chris Baldwin - We will stay on the phone as long as we can and try to work with 590s regardless of how long it takes, which does pose some problems with the MCRT response time in different areas.

Recommended CESSA Reports


  • Illinois CESSA Crisis Continuum Service Report: Service calls, referral and dispositions by CC provider
  • Illinois CESSA Statewide and Regional Compliance Report: Dispatch decisions, transfers, and acceptance. Reporting by state overall, 11 regions overall, and each EMS system within the 11 regions
  • Illinois CESSA Administrative Report: High-level summary of all CESSA operations, including advisory/convening, referral networks, administrative support. Statewide regional counts for training, communications, and data system development. CQI and Change Management.
  • Illinois CESSA Evaluation Report: Research and Evaluation. Documentation of emerging and best practices. Outcomes establishment and measurement.
    • Brent Reynolds - I think these are good recommendations. I think some come with a much more realistic timeline, but the compliance report will take more time.
    • Peter - I like a phased approach.
    • Rick Manthy - I would agree with that. The first two we can work on and leave the other ones to be determined at a later date.

Next meeting is Monday May 15th from 2:30 pm - 4:00.

Public Comment: Brent Reynolds - There are a lot of PSAP representatives on this call. I would like your feedback. Do you think we are moving in the right direction?

  • Latoya Marz - What's going to come out of the PSAPs and how we track it will depend on that particular PSAP, but I think you have a good handle on how we are moving towards it.
  • Katrina Jamieson - (in chat) I do believe you guys are on the right track.

Rick Manthy asks if there is any opposition to adjourning the meeting. Hearing none, he adjourns the meeting at 3:45 pm.