CESSA - Region 8 Committee Meeting Approved Minutes 04/18/2023

Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) Region 8 Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes -  April 18, 2023 - 1:00-2:30 via Zoom

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 05/18/2023

  • Call to Order/Roll Call
    • Jeff Lata opens the meeting at 1:01pm.
    • Attending: Dr. Mark Cichon, Alex Johnson, Ryan Klavohn, Daniel Paul Rietveld, Kent Adams, Mark J. Puknaitis, Robert Schultz, Matthew Buckley, Todd Rountree, Sibil Kuruvilla, Sarah Wiemeyer, Sydney Talavera, Corinne Swiatek, Shannon Hartnett, and Jim Moldenhauer. Bill Srejma joined the call 10 minutes late. Scott Spinazola joined 1 hour late.
    • Absent: Lori Carnahan, Jennifer Brothers, Austin Gibbs, Michael Mavrogeorge, Jason Arres, Jean DeCaro, Jillianne Chuffo, Nicole Lamela, Dr. Steve Graham, Dr. Daryl Wilson, and Dr. Valerie Phillips.
  • Open Meetings Act
    • Jeff Lata read the instructions regarding the Illinois Open Meetings Act.
    • Group was informed that the meeting was being recorded.
  • Approval of the Minutes from March Meeting
    • No changes noted.
    • Motion to Approve: Dr. Mark Cichon
    • Second Motion: Jim Moldenhauer
  • Landscape Survey and Risk Matrix toolkits
    • Dr. Mark Cichon and Jeff Lata discussed the Landscape Survey and Risk Matrix toolkits. We are still waiting on some landscape surveys. Discussion followed.
    • Deliverables:
      • Completed Landscape Survey Analysis and Risk Level Matrix
      • Completed Risk Level Matrices (for levels 2 and 3)
    • Concern around using average response time since many agencies that are accredited don't use the average. They use 90th percentile instead.
    • Mary Smith, the UIC policy analyst, is holding office hours for working groups and can answer any questions, like the 90th percentile issue, if folks want to schedule a meeting. Office hours: April 19 from 1-3 pm, April 24 from 1-3 pm, April 25 from 10 am-12 pm, April 26 from 1-3 pm, and May 1 from 11 am-1 pm. You can contact her at Marys7@uic.edu
    • Concern around response times and 590 grant requirements. Jeff Lata said he'd get clarification on this.
    • Even estimated response times from newer programs could be helpful for future funding and knowing what resources are needed in an area
    • Deliverable: Inventory of available mental and behavioral health crisis response alternative services by PSAP jurisdiction.
    • We need volunteers for a small group to aggregate data from the completed surveys to complete full inventory. Please email Jeff, Lori, or Dr. Cichon by this Friday if you're interested. We'd like to have something finished before the next month's meeting.
    • The PSAPs met several weeks ago and discussed the toolkit. There's still a lot of questions on how we're processing calls.
    • Calls can escalate very quickly and we don't want to see anyone harmed
    • Concern around medical terminology. Interest in definitions and simplified terminology.
    • There is not a list of terminology in the toolkit currently. Asantewaa Darkwa, our UIC facilitator, will bring this concern back to her team and come up with a list of terms.
    • When someone calls 911, they've already reached the threshold where they need a timely response from 911 specifically
    • 988 pick-up times are fast, usually around twenty seconds
    • Concern that both public and 911 dispatchers aren't aware of services that 988 provides, so we need to be sharing information more widely
    • Expected deliverable: Consensus agreement by each region regarding the customization of response time and response type for levels 2 and 3 of the Interim Risk Level Matrix that is used by PSAPs for assessing risk level and for making dispatch decisions for mental health/behavioral health crisis calls/communications.
    • We need a small group to summarize the toolkit. Please let Jeff, Lori, or Dr. Cichon know if you're interested by this Friday. We'd like to have something finished before the next month's meeting.
  • State Updates
    • The Importance of Lived Expertise
      • Asantewaa Darkwa gave a presentation on the importance of lived experience.
    • Where we are in the Six-Month Sprint Plan
      • Calendar of Deliverables was shared for Jan-June 2023
  • Schedule Remaining RAC Meeting
    • May 18th, 2023, at 1-2:30pm.
    • June 15th, 2023, at 1-2:30pm.
  • Public Comment
    • Matt Fishback, from the County Sheriff's Office, shared that he joins five of the regional committees and can say that we're on pace with all the other committees. A lot of people are trying to look at the risk matrices and when they get more info from both the landscape survey and the 988/mobile crisis data from the UIC survey next month, that should help inform the risk matrices.
  • Motion to Adjournment
    • Motion to Adjourn: Sarah Wiemeyer
    • Second Motion: Jim Moldenhauer
    • The meeting was adjourned by Dr. Mark Cichon at 2:03pm.