CESSA - Region 2 Committee Meeting Approved Minutes 04/12/2023

Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) Region 2 Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes- April 12, 2023 - 1:00-2:00 via Teams

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 05/10/2023

  • Call to Order/Introductions
    • Call meeting to Order by Dennis Duke at 1:01 PM
    • Attendees:
      • Via MS Teams: Dennis Duke, Michael Barr, Brian Murphy, Zachary Gittrich, Ryan Beck, Latricia Seye, Travis Noyd, Darren Gault, Jamal Simington, Meghan Moser, Eileen Williams proxy for Jodi Mahoney, Rhonda Flegel, Anthony Walraven, Donald Miskowiec, Michael Lau proxy for Sarah Scruggs, Matthew Jackson, Steve Delis
    • Absences
      • Sarah Stasik, Sheila Stokowski, Todd Noe, Christopher Watkins, Jake Herbert, Imad Khan, Chris Rogers, Wayne Gallops, Michael Daley, Luke Tomsha, Sarah Stuepfert, Allen Haeffner, Julie Lewis
    • Guests:
      • Gabriela Vo, Mike Epping, Bobby Leebold, Nathan Shotten, Brittany Bauman, Samuel Jones, Brenda Hampton
  • Open Meetings Act - Read and notified meeting is being recorded.
  • Approval of Minutes
    • Correction/addition noted to the March 2, 2023 Minutes - No corrections noted - Minutes approved as submitted.
      • Motion by Member Rhonda Flegel, second by Member Darren Gault
      • Motion Approved by all members present
    • Next RAC Region 2 meeting will be May 10, 2023 at 1:00 PM
  • State Updates
    • The last RAC Co-Chair meeting, Nanette Larson from Illinois Department of Mental Health spoke regarding importance of lived experience and stigma still exists. RAC Committee members need to be aware of the words and the different stereotypes associated with mental health and to help educate to reduce stigma. Reminding members words can scar.
    • State will be providing more data regarding Landscape Analysis and mobile crisis response teams and response times. Data will be forthcoming.
    • Sprint to July 1st timeline still in place.
      • Brenda Hampton agreed with the state updates and noted prejudgment/stereotypes about the population is important to recognize as words can scar.
  • Agenda Change
    • Dennis Duke noted the agenda will differ from the presented slide deck. Noting there are two deliverables to focus on:
      1. Resource identification through completion of the Landscape Analysis.
      2. Recommendations specific to level 2 and 3 of the Risk Matrix.

Discussion of how to proceed to get the deliverables completed by target date of July 1st. There are still Landscape Analysis surveys that have not been completed. The ask is to complete them and turn in. Review of the work was noted with focus on Levels 2 and 3 by the PSAPs and 590's working together for recommendations to submit to the next RAC 2 meeting. The members were to engage in workgroups within their region/subregion and provide reports to submit into the RAC 2 Chair and Co-Chairs by May 1st.

    • Anthony Walraven - inquired if the documents were sent to the directors of the PSAPs and directors of the 590 organizations in local areas.
    • Dennis Duke - responded yes the state originally sent them out to the PSAPs. Angie Clark will send out a list of the PSAPs to the members to ensure if their area has completed the survey or not.
    • Brian Murphy - inquired if Woodford County was received as he submitted it in on April 6th.
    • Angie Clark - responded yes it was received.
    • Rhonda Flegel - inquired if her survey was received.
    • Angie Clark - responded yes it was received.
    • Zachary Gittrich - requested a motion to schedule a Standards and Protocol meeting within the next two weeks.
    • Dennis Duke - responded this is not an action item that requires a motion, but recommended the Standards and Protocol Subcommittee members to schedule a meeting.
  • Committee members open discussion - Questions/Answers
    • Dennis Duke inquired of feedback regarding having meetings with 590 providers and PSAPs within their areas for workgroups to complete the deliverables.
      • Anthony Walraven - responded work needs to be done within the subcommittees.
      • Dennis Duke - recommended 590s and PSAPs reach out within their areas and schedule meetings to return deliverables by May 1st.
      • Brenda Hampton - reminded members that their small work groups can be no larger than one less than half of your RAC which is 16; therefore, the meeting groups can be no larger than 7 members to not be in violation of OMA regulations.
      • Dennis Duke - clarified with Brenda Hampton that non-voting members of the RAC will not affect the limit of 7 members.
      • Brian Murphy - agreed with bringing the 590s and PSAPs together to complete the surveys and suggested starting point is having the 590s reach out to their PSAPs within their region/sub-region to develop a workgroup.
      • Gabriela Vo - suggested having a 988 representative participate in the meetings.
      • Dennis Duke - agreed to have a 988-representative included. Members agreed that opening up the relationship within their region would be doable.
      • Anthony Walraven - suggested have people who provide frontline services included in meetings. Also, helpful to compile a list of PSAPs, their directors and contact information available.
      • Dennis Duke - responded the workgroups should be very focused to complete the work. Asked for members to bring people to the meeting who can get the work done and limit numbers attending the meetings. Also inquired if there is a list of contact information for the 590 providers.
      • Brenda Hampton - responded yes, a 590 list can go out to the members and will reach out to Cindy Barbera-Brelle for the PSAPs list. Brenda Hampton will follow up with Angie Clark regarding the list of 590 and PSAP providers.
  • Recap of Deliverables - Dennis Duke
  1. Complete all Landscape Analysis and turn in.
  2. 590 providers will reach out to the PSAPs at a minimum and begin to form work groups to complete the Landscape and use the customized response to levels 2 and 3 of the risk matrix. The goal is to turn in by May 1st for consolidation, review and if questions provide time to reach out to the 590/PSAP providers.
  3. Encourage members to review the slide deck.
  • Schedule Remaining RAC Meeting
    • Next RAC 2 Meeting Date: May 10th
  • Open for Public Comment - none noted.
  • Meeting was Adjourned at 1:45 PM by Darren Gault, seconded by Rhonda Flegel.