CESSA Communication, Information Sharing & Public Messaging Subcommittee Meeting - Approved Minutes 04/06/2023

Meeting of the Technical Subcommittee on Communication, Information Sharing, and Public Messaging

April 6, 2023 2:30-4:00 pm via Zoom

Meeting Minutes - Approved by SAC Members 05/08/2023

  • Welcome/Call to Order
    • Meeting called to order by Emily Miller (Chair) at 11:02am (via Zoom)
  • Member Roll Call/Approval of Minutes (03/08/23 meeting):
    • Wade moved to approve minutes, seconded by Miller. Motion passed - minutes approved by majority.
    • Members Present:
      • Emily Miller (Chair), Vice-President for Behavioral Health Policy, IL Association of Rehabilitation Facilities (IARF) - present and approved the minutes
      • Jessena Williams, IDHS-DMH (designee for Lee Ann Reinert, Deputy Director/David Albert, DMH Director) - present and approved the minutes
      • Patrick Wade, Sr Director of Strategic Communications. Division of Public Safety (Designee for Alice Cary, Chief), University of Illinois Police Department - Present and abstained
      • Pooja Nagpal, NAMI Illinois Alliance for Peer Professionals Board Member - present and approved the minutes
      • Blanca Campos, Community Behavioral Healthcare Association of Illinois - present and abstained
      • Jim Kaitschuk, Executive Director Illinois Sheriff's Association - Present and abstained
      • Curtis Harris, Access Living - present and approved the minutes
  • Expert Consultants:
    • Dr. Allison Brown, UIC Behavioral Health Crisis Hub
    • Scott Block, Administrative Offices of the Illinois Courts
    • Jill McCamant (IDPH Suicide Prevention Coordinator)
  • Other (public) participants:
    • Matt Fishback, Cook County Sheriff's Office
    • Dana Craig, Illinois Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission
    • Rick Manthy, Division Chief, Arlington Heights Fire Department
    • Asantewaa Darkwa, UIC Crisis Hub
  • Meeting Logistics/OMA
  • Discussion of Changes to the Subcommittee and SAC:
    • Miller: Discussed struggle to have a quorum, meetings have had to be canceled due to lack of participation. Can't vote on deliverables or move forward on the work without a quorum. We are proposing to change the CIPTSC structure, disband the subcommittee and incorporate this subcommittee's work into the full SAC meeting agenda - make Communications a standing agenda item; however, discussions can still be held at a workgroup level.
    • Brown: Rationale for absorbing the meeting is not just logistics, but also because meetings are time consuming and public messaging/communications cut across all of the CESSA/988 work - anything that happens on other committees involves communication and can take place during the larger group.
    • Williams: Agree with modified structure to this work and is open to a workgroup. Also agrees that that a standing SAC agenda item as it cuts across all other SAC work and is more time efficient.
    • Wade: Asked if adding a standing agenda item will be a burden to the full SAC. Don't want to create more time commitment or work for the standing SAC.
    • Brown: Discussed report out period already exists during SAC meetings. If we vote today on deliverables, then Emily would present it to the SAC and discuss next steps (pending their approval of incorporating the subcommittee's work as part of the SAC).
    • Wade: Agree wand would be open to working as part of a workgroup.
    • Miller: Pointed out that attendance during SAC is broader and could be to our benefit. Asked if anyone is against absolving the CIPTSC.
    • Nagpal: Agreed that less meetings are more productive/effective. If SAC has more voting members and decision makers, then it would be helpful.
    • Campos: Support the change as scheduling is challenging.
    • Nagpal: Agree that it would be more productive conversation with all voting members from the SAC
    • Williams: Made motion to bring forward proposal to incorporate CIPTSC to full SAC, seconded by Wade. Approval: Miller, Williams, Wade. Nagpal, Kaitschuk, and Campos (yes, by consensus). Harris later joined and approved.
  • Review and Vote on First Set of Deliverables:
    • Miller: Presented table of first set of deliverables: Updated table of key statewide stakeholders and the types/modalities of communication updates to be received
    • Brown: Discussing the Public Messaging Deliverables, if CIPTSC is incorporated to SAC, deliverable should be revised and brought up to SAC. Unless there's a disagreement, we should move forward to voting.
    • Williams: re: SAC Membership - Asked if we should revise the language to reflect a workgroup instead of a subcommittee.
    • Miller: Suggests we leave deliverable as is and potentially change it should the SAC approve incorporating CIPTSC to SAC agenda item.
    • Brown: Discussed the vote today is independent to the SAC vote, the purpose of today's meeting is to move forward. Once SAC votes, decisions on revisions will be brought up with them at a later date. Suggested keeping vote today as is, today we are moving forward as a subcommittee, and the SAC can propose later changes.
    • Miller: Made motion to approve deliverables and present to the SAC. Miller made motion to approve; Campos seconded the motion. Wade, Williams, Nagpal, Kaitschuk, Miller, and Campos voted yes (consensus). Approved.
  • Overview of next deliverable: Toolkit Development
    • Brown: Discussed asked members to look at toolkit development list and think of questions to ask the RACs about the different components. Deadline for communications toolkit approval: 07/01/2023. Reminder: Our role is to make recommendations to the RACs. We are making a toolkit for them to use, but they will need to customize these recommendations and they can decide what works best for their region.
    • Miller: Previously discussed how to best utilize the expertise represented in the regions and the appropriate messaging channels for each region.
    • Campos: Are we educating specifically on CESSA or as related to 988 crisis care continuum? Make sure to simplify communications
    • Brown: Presented lists and sections of what was previously identified as components of the toolkit and initial recommendations. Discussed sprint goals and completion of the communications toolkit. We can distribute the list for review at next subcommittee and/or SAC meeting. Regions will have to decide priorities on who is being targeted for public messaging and how to message them. As the other subcommittees develop their work, the messaging of those policies, protocols, and products for implementation, we would recommend to RACs the specific issues after that work is completed.
    • Williams: In terms of presented the toolkit, we should ask the RACs what modifications or revisions are needed to our recommendations (what and/or ways of messaging).
    • Wade: Asked who is paying for the different materials? Different regions have different resources available. What financial resources are available in their regions to pay for materials? Which audiences are more difficult to reach?
    • Williams: Support Patrick's points re: resources
    • Wade: Find out from regions who are key targets and who has access to the media; identify who are difficult to reach and how can we target them.
    • Williams: Agree with Wade in identifying difficult to each groups and benefit from their expertise at the local level (via partnerships with RACs)
    • Campos: Asked if they also know is the difference between 988, 911, 211/311 and other local hotlines? https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=145089  (via chat) and what IDHS has already done. Should get the word out for the web pages.
    • Brown: Suggest we model what SAMHSA and IDHS have developed for 988, also contact existing mailing lists we have used for 988 messaging.
    • Harris: Need to inform everyone about CESSA, like we do with 988
  • Wrap-up
    • The next CIPTSC meeting is TBD - pending changes to Subcommittee and SAC discussion and approval decision.
  • Public Comments:
    • No members of the public asked to be recognized or comment.
  • Adjournment: The Chair asked for a motion to adjourn, was so moved Emily Miller, seconded by Patrick Wade and Curtis Harris, and the motion had app consensus by lack of dissent. The meeting adjourned at 12:11pm.