CESSA - Region 1 Committee Meeting Approved Minutes 04/06/2023

Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) Region 1 Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes- Thursday, 04/06/2023 - 2:00 PM

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 05/04/2023

  1. Open Meetings Act
    • These meetings will be subject to Open Meetings Act.
    • A copy of the agendas and meeting minutes will be posted to the Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Mental Health Open Meetings Page.
  2. Call to Order/Approval of Minutes
    • Meeting called to order at 2:03 pm by Patrick Phelan.
    • Previous Meeting minutes approved by motion of Heather Butler, seconded by John Girone. Approved unanimously.
  3. Members Present:
    • Via web-based Teams: Patrick Phelan, Eric Brown, Lynn Akker, Danielle Angileri, David Lohse, Deanna Cada, Brenda Hampton, Joan Lodge, Matthew Smetana, Chris Baldwin, Heather Butler, Jason Leverton, , John Girone, Jason Holcomb .
    • Absent-, Tessa Lohse, Collette Mickelsen, Jennifer Fey, Brandon Lieber, Chris Scroll, Joshua Lewis, Dr. Muhammad Shareef.
  4. RAC Planning for Risk Level Matrix & Landscape Analysis
    • The risk level matrix is informed by:
      • Data from the landscape analysis identifying resources (e.g. co-responder models) in county areas within the region.
      • Data supplied from DMH on average response times for MCR in your region.
    • Working Groups for Risk Level Matrix & Landscape Analysis Activities
      • Patrick Phelan explained the rules around forming subgroups and/or subcommittees:
        • In our region we have seventeen members, nine people are quorum. If this group decides to do anything by subcommittee, we can't have more than four appointed members working outside of an open meeting.
    • Co-Response Landscape Survey Toolkit
      • This survey is to be conducted by Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) administrative staff within each EMS Region.
      • PSAP's are reporting on their co-response models, as well as EMS within their region. They are also interviewing law enforcement agencies within their jurisdiction to complete the survey/interview.
      • PSAP will send completed surveys to RAC co-chairs.
        • Patrick Phelan will compile this information for Region 1.
    • Toolkit: Interim Risk Level Matrix for Use by PSAP's
      • The first worksheet should be used as a working document to capture initial discussion and recommendations for each PSAP coverage area. There should be a minimum of one worksheet per PSAP.
      • The second worksheet is to be submitted as a final document recording the RAC's final recommendations for each PSAP within the region. This final document may also be duplicated as many times as necessary.
        • There should be one final recommendation for each PSAP.
      • Expected deliverable:
        • Consensus agreement by each region regarding the customization of response time and response type for levels two and three of the Interim Risk Level Matrix that is used by the PSAPs for assessing risk level and for making dispatch decisions for mental health/behavioral health crisis calls/communications.
    • Original Interim Risk Level Matrix Broken down in levels.
      • Levels one through four ask to look at threats to life and property separately from weapons, history, intoxication, and aggression to see if there are any modifications that need to be made.
        • Data was provided, members were asked to look at details. Each area needs to be broken down.
        • Data was provided.
  5. Questions and Answers
    • John Girone commented that he noticed that for EMS, it just asks about EMS, but does not have a column for specific agencies. The law enforcement question on the survey asks that you answer questions specifically for each agency that PSAP works with. John would like clarification on why there are generic answers on EMS, but more specific questions for law enforcement. Brenda Hampton commented and let the committee know that she will be in touch with the answer to John's question.
    • Deanna Cada asked what the Risk Level Matrix Toolkit would look like if all the programs are running the way that they are supposed to as opposed to "real time." Patrick replied to Deanna's question and said that he feels that we are looking at this realistically, what would the response be if this was in "real time."
    • Heather Butler commented and let the committee know that most of the PSAP's in the Region have a meeting later this month, she can share information needed with the group. Patrick asked if it would be a good idea for him to attend that group to offer more information. Heather agreed to let Patrick know when the next meeting is.
  6. State Updates
    • Brenda Hampton discussed:
      • Myths about mental illness and the resulting stigma.
      • Timeline for work to run through June 2023.
  7. Next Meeting: Thursday 05/04/2023 at 2:00pm. Subsequent meetings will be held at 2:00pm on the first Thursday of each month and are scheduled through June 2023.
  8. Public Comments:
    • Patrick asked Brenda if we have heard any updates regarding meetings in person moving forward. Brenda said that there is still a tremendous amount of work to be done. If there is more work to be done after July 1, 2023, then there will need to be more meetings scheduled out. Brenda let the committee know that there is still no word yet on in-person meetings.
    • Jason Holcomb asked Brenda about the presentation that she showed regarding June. Jason asked: "When it comes time to implement a public communication strategy, is that going to be centralized in the sense that it will be driven solely through Department of Human Services or are you looking for local partnerships to coordinate those efforts?" Brenda let the committee know that hopefully by June we will be very close to the point of implementing public communication. Brenda is not sure where they are right now because they are so far behind. The statewide campaign is behind as well. There must be a media campaign of some sort to push the information that we need to get out.
    • Matthew Smetana asked Brenda to clarify the question he had a couple months ago regarding EMS medical directors and Region 1. Matt asked, "Is there a conflict of interest between responders on scene with the mobile mental health teams as well as Law Enforcement. Will EMS have the authority to detain a patient for an evaluation. Has there been any clarification with DHS on that matter."
    • Brenda let the members know that DHS has discussed this and that it will depend on the risk level. Very acute situations will be handled by Law Enforcement. Brenda will work on getting something in writing regarding the answers to Matthew's question.
    • Patrick asked Matthew Smetana how the process has been handled historically.
    • Matthew replied to the members that he has been seeing more and more cases of Law Enforcement less willing to take high clients with high profile cases into custody. Who ultimately has the final say, at this point is undefined.

9. Dismissal: Meeting was adjourned at 3:00pm.