Housing Navigator

Housing Navigation Overview

You have a choice in where and how you live! The Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS) Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) has added a new program to help people with Developmental Disabilities (DD) find housing options in Illinois communities.

People with DD must have Medicaid waiver services or are selected from the PUNS list. Housing Navigators work for the Independent Service Coordination (ISC) agencies and will help people apply for rental units.

What will the ISC Housing Navigator Do?

  • Help find housing that you can afford
  • Help find housing that is accessible
  • Work with your ISC Services Coordinator to find a Provider Agency that will support you in your home and give the services you need

You are Eligible If You:

  • Have a developmental disability
  • Would like to live in your own apartment
  • Are receiving services at home or in a group home
  • Are selected from the PUNS list
  • Get Medicaid Home and Community Based Waiver (HCBS) services

Where Would I Live?

  • In a community of your choice
  • Alone or with roommates you choose (including a family member)

The State of Illinois wants to help expand residential options where people with DD can receive services at their direction.

How Can I Learn More?

  • Call or email your Independent Service Coordination (ISC) agency (see contact information below)
  • Ask for Housing Navigation
  • Put independent living in your Discovery and Personal Plan

Who do I contact?

ISC Housing Navigator Phone Email Region(s)
Community Alternatives Unlimited Miranda Martinicky (773)867-4000 mmartinicky@cau.org


City of Chicago North/Northwest, Lake, Northern Suburban Cook

Community Service Options Felicia Wilson (773)471-4700 fwilson@cso1.org


City of Chicago South/Southwest

Suburban Access John Leouses (708)799)-9190 jleouses@subacc.org


Suburban Cook County - South, Southwests and Northwest

Service Inc. Carrie Callery (815)391-8312 ccallery@svcincofil.org


Jo Daviess, Stephenson, Winnebago, Boone, McHenry, Carroll, Ogle, DeKalb, Whiteside, Lee

Service Inc. Janelle Napalit (331)551-6644 jnapalit@svcincofil.org


Kane, DuPage, Kendall

Service Inc. Karen Edgar (815) 768-4347 kedgar@svcincofil.org


Will, Grundy and Kankakee

Prairieland Service Coordination Inc. Karen Yepsen (217) 809-4720 karen.yepsen@psci.info

G, J, K

DeWitt, Macon, Moultrie, Piatt, Shelby, Clark, Coles, Cumberland, Douglas, Edgar, Effingham, Vermilion, Warren, Rock Island, St. Clair, Fulton, Henderson, Henry, Knox, Madison, Mercer, Moultrie, Peoria, and Stark

Central Illinois Service Access Dan Levad (217)732-4731 danl@cisagroup.org


Adams, Brown, Calhoun, Cass, Christian, Greene, Hancock, Jersey, Logan, Macoupin, Menard, Montgomery, Morgan, Pike, Sangamon, Schulyer, and Scott

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the IDHS-DDD/ICDD ISC Housing Navigator Pilot Program?

The ISC Housing Navigator Pilot program is a partnership between IDHS-DDD and the Illinois Council for Developmental Disabilities (ICDD). Supports include identifying available housing units, assisting with housing search and applications, coordinating with Independent Service Coordination (ISC) case management and DD Services Providers for ongoing support, and providing access to Housing Transition Funds. Housing Navigator supports include identifying available housing units, assisting with housing search and applications, coordinating with Independent Service Coordination (ISC) case management and DD Services Providers for ongoing support, and providing access to Housing Transition Funds.

Who can receive support from the Housing Navigator Program?

The Housing Navigator Program is open to people with I/DD who are receiving services for Intellectual and Developmental Disability Services (I/DD) through the State of Illinois Medicaid program. This includes people who are newly pulled from the PUNS list, or who are already receiving services via home-based supports, CILA, I-CILA, ICF-DD, or SODC. This pilot program is not currently for individuals enrolled in DRS Home Services program.

What is Supportive Housing?

Supportive housing integrates housing with wrap-around services; providing individuals with DD independent housing integrated into the community, so people with disabilities have a life like any other. It is a relatively inexpensive intervention that uses affordable, stable housing as a platform for the individualized, person centered supports each person needs, to be successful in their own home. People living in supportive housing live alone, or with someone they choose. Supportive housing typically comes with subsidies to ensure financial access for the individual.

Who are the ISCs involved in the Pilot?

7 ISC's have opted into the pilot:

  • Community Alternatives Unlimited
  • Community Service Options
  • Central Illinois Service Access
  • Champaign Co Regional Planning Commission
  • Prairie Land Service Coordination Inc.
  • Service Inc. of Illinois
  • Suburban Access Inc.

Is the Housing Navigator program/pilot only for people who want to live on their own, or can someone who wants roommates use this program?

Housing Navigation is supporting people with IDD who want to live integrated in the community. This includes living alone or with a roommate of choice, who may or may not have a disability. In integrated housing settings, there may be multiple co-signers on the lease, where everyone has tenant protections as well as responsibilities for maintaining the lease.

What types of dwellings are people moving into through the Housing Navigation Program?

ISC Housing Navigators are identifying housing options that are landlord-based where individuals will have a lease. All dwellings must be zoned property and have a self-contained unit access to a bathroom, living space, and kitchen, and have adequate health and safety features such as exits, functioning windows, electrical, plumbing, etc. People who have apartments or homes for rent to people with disabilities can reach out to the Housing Navigator to add to their inventory. Housing Navigators at this time are not linking individuals to shared homes for individual room rental opportunities.

Is there funding available from the pilot program to furnish the apartments?

ICDD has granted funding to the participating ISC's to use as Housing Transition Funding for people served through Housing Navigation. This flexible funding allows Navigators to identify with the individual essential items needed to successfully move into their new home including furniture.

How long is the pilot program?

The pilot program is 2-years and runs July 1, 2022-June 30, 2024

Can you help with the cost of rent or purchasing?

No. Currently the program does not provide rent or purchase assistance. Please note, the Medicaid waivers cannot pay for housing.

Should we start with clients who are already in CILAs who may want to have their own place or a roommate and should we contact the ISC to place them on the pilot program?

DD Services providers could begin referring individuals in their services programs that have expressed a desire to live independently in community-based housing.