Illinois Mental Health Planning and Advising Council Meeting-Minutes 11/03/2022

Illinois Mental Health Planning and Advising Council Meeting Minutes

(approved by Members 01/12/2023)

November 3, 2022 - 12:30pm

Co-Chair: Sue Schroeder & Ray Connor

  • Attendees: Shirley Davis, Tracy Meinert, Lee Ann Reinert, Lisa Betz, Irwin Kerzner, Joan Lodge, Michelle Churchey-Mims, Sue Schroeder, Emily LeFew, Megan Miller-Attang, Ryan Rollinson, Ray Connor, Mike Davis, Nanette Larson, David Albert, Chris OHara, Amy Starin, Jacob Meeks, Mike Davis, Sidney Weissman, Shane Hassler, Thane Dykstra, Ron Melka, Mike Miroux, Sarah Torres, Matt Fishback, Fred Friedman, Donnell Barnett, Bonnie Richardson, Emily Miller
  • Call to Order/Introductions: (Sue Schroeder/Ray Connor) Meeting called to order.
  • Approval of September 2022 Minutes: (All) motion to approve: Mike Davis, Shirley Davis seconded. Minutes approved (all say aye)
  • Committee Reports:
    • Development Committee (Ron Melka, Nannette Larson) moved up in agend
      • Action needed: Annual Election of the Slate of Members to the Illinois Mental Health Planning and Advisory Council. The Slate of Candidates submitted by the Development Committee to the IMHPAC membership for approval at the November 3, 2022, meeting are:
        • Ron Melka (incumbent)
        • Thane Dykstra (incumbent)
        • Isaac Palmer (incumbent)
        • William Korte (incumbent)
        • Emily LeFew (New Member) Emily shared her experience and why she wanted to be on the council. Career focus: Children with SED, previous experience with DV and working in child welfare. Recently obtained MBA. Area served: McHenry and DeKalb, employed by Camelot Care Center. Has participated in IMHPAC C & A committee.
      • A Motion to approve slate was made and Second by the development committee. No opposition, Jacob Meeks abstained, all say aye
      • Ron reported that a demographic survey needs to be conducted. Low response for nominees need to have 51% and we had a resignation today that reduced %, prefer to have consumer. He reported that reimbursement for committee members is delayed, due to IMHPAC meeting 2 months. The committee noted that this can be a burden for some individuals. Recommend that the Secretary send reimbursement form with agenda and minutes.
  • HFS Report (Kristine Herman not able to attend and a report was not submitted)
  • Committee Reports:
    • C&A (Michelle Churchey-Mims): Meeting minutes from September were sent out to committee members. This committee meets the 3rd Friday of the month and continue to meet on a regular basis. The committee has been discussing and problem solving regarding youth crisis care continuum to decrease duplication and improve efficiencies. Request involvement by youth and families to participate in the committee. Invitation will be sent out by next scheduled meeting 11/18/22. Ray Connor noted that this is critical.
      • Amy Starin commented/recommended: a communication alert to providers regarding these committees. A larger distribution list is recommended by Michelle.
    • Adult Inpatient (Shirley Davis) minutes pending. List of available hospital beds need to be available to providers especially with 988. IL needs respite care for youth who do not need hospitalization. Unfit to Stand Trial (UST) 105 individuals in custody. Clients are still staying in ED due to no psych. Beds. This committee Expressed frustration and no movement to resolve.
      • Chris O'Hara shared a contact regarding medical respite in Chicago called the Boulevard. Chris suggested that this person be involved in these conversations.
  • Division of Mental Health Report: (Lee Ann Reinert, Nanette Larson, Ryan Rollinson, Lisa Betz)
    • Lee Ann Reinert DMH has received a notice from SAMHSA bipartisan safer communities act, funding for human service type entities. Some of this money went to the community MH block grant: $250 M. Total amount, spread out over 4 years, IL awarded annually $2.54 M. strict parameters on what we can spend this money on. 10% Serious Mental Illness early prevention, develop a plan to address violence in the community and other types of community trauma; Mass Shootings. IL will be submitting a proposal by the end of the month. Working with the office of Fire and Prevention to meet all requirements. Two challenges; short turn around it may involve procurement careful on how DMH talks about it in meetings to not conflict with competitive clause of the opportunity. Once it is approved IL will need to submit on annual basis for an equivalent amount of award for future years. Another announcement $ ear marked for 988 capacity. IL is a recipient of the original 988 fund, based on implementation plan, we will be able to apply for additional funding. as we were successful at submitting the request. More to share in the future. CESSA regional committee's letters have gone out to nominees, finalizing the membership roster. Next week facilitators of Crisis Hub will be meeting with 590 leaders and medical co-chair. First regional meeting held after that. All meetings are open meetings.
    • Ryan Rollinson: consent decree update: finished year very strong, 102 transitions for Colbert through Sept. 54 transition for Williams. Able to negotiate revised Colbert implementation plan a transition target mutually agreed upon #550 goal. Close to meeting that this year. Need a long term plan versus negotiate year by year. Issued a RFI for SOAR services: email notice in the next few days.
      • Megan Miller-Attang report out: 341 Front Door diversions,102 diversion in Q1.
      • Dr. Barnett: no further update
    • Lisa Betz: no update
    • Nannette Larson: DHS/DMH has been chosen advocates for human potential (AHP) WRAP launch a pilot WRAP facilitator training-virtually training has not been done since 2019. Mary Ellen Copeland has sold copy right of WRAP to AHP. Surveyed original participants in 2020 host training Chicago, Springfield: 36 individuals were accepted. Max was 18 based on model. 12 individuals were surveyed and are accepted to move forward with training and will develop a plan for the remainder slots. This will be done competitively for those remainder slots. Goal follow up with applicants, then to reach out to agencies in Region 5 who had received WRAP orientation, as priority. Other regions had this opportunity.
    • Lee Ann thanked Emily LeFew for her interest in joining IMHPAC and C & A committee.
    • Dr. Albert was advised about Inpatient report and offered the following comment; Key points he shared: DMH has long standing challenge with providing forensic MH services to forensic consumers. NGRI, UST ethical, legal and moral obligation to attend to this. The state historically has fallen behind; however, Dr. Albert is committed to providing these services. The pandemic and hospital operations and post pandemic work force shortage and increase of referrals to DMH 40% increase over the past 6 months. This has moved this to a full-blown crisis for DMH. The governor's office is fully committed to providing funds necessary to address this. IL DMH can't operate all the hospital beds we have, must obtain contractual obligations for staffing to cover vacancies. Partnered with Ingalls hospital in Harvey to conduct restoration. Competency unit- 24 beds in that unit. Able to get 2 units. Goal to use community hospitals to meet this need. Due to the forensic nature, capital improvements need to be made. Open up units in State hospital to reclaimed 2 units Elgin Mental Health Center (EMHC), capacity 22 units' total 44 beds. Working to see engage an emergency construction at Alton to serve up to 100 consumers. This building needs lots of repairs. Solution: appropriate use of Specialized Mental Rehabilitation Facilities (SMRF) for step down to Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity (NGRI), who are ready to be released on conditional discharge.
  • Other Business
    • Lee Ann gave a reminder of Training requirements. This is a mandate of being on the committee, if members fail the names of those committee members will be placed on a list. Irwin sent reminder today and will assist with access issues that members have.
    • Amy Starin inquired about work force challenges: administrative staffing-open positions. For central office staff. Dr. Albert responded the state regarding hiring is a challenge. But improving due to years of work on the DMH team bringing on brilliant talent to the DMH. Significant restructuring has taken place, 1 1/2 years to be more efficient and effective to meet the demands. Our funding has significantly increased added $220 M from previous administration. DMH responsible for loan repayment program? DMHS is partnering with IL Assistance Commission to help administer this program. DMH funds program. DMH would like to increase amount that is available to be received.
    • Amy Starin inquired about Authorized behavioral health work force: parent peer work force. Dr. Barnett responded, the workforce center will help us understand this model parent/peer. To help us understand what the best model for our state is. Committee being put together to help us understand the legislative and work force.
    • Shirley Davis inquired if Front Door diversion is being used to divert from hospitals. Megan Miller-Attang and Ryan Rollinson responded; Front door diversion can occur when individuals are admitted to a SMRF. Front Door diversion opportunities are provided to these consumers specifically who are admitted to SMRF.
    • Chris O'Hara: asked what assurance are being made to for open enrollment to ensure individuals remain active. Lisa Betz responded office of family and community services: oversee programs that provide benefits to individuals. Campaign to ensure enrollment.
    • Chris also commented on the proposed SSA increase: COLA % increase, how will this impact the amount that consumers who are in LTC or Nursing home able to receive this increase. Ryan Rollins SSI beneficiaries only get $30 is a federal guideline, SSDI this amount is determined by HFS.
    • Fred Friedman shared limits of income in a nursing home, the amount is monitored even if a consumer works ($50). Question: does the NH have rules on how much they can give to residents even when they work. The rules have not changed in over 22 years and need to be reviewed to be more equitable especially through employment.
    • Sue Schroeder mentioned the restoration program that Stepping Stones has and reported her agency would be interested in additional Capital funds to expand that program.
  • New Business
    • Vote on 2023 calendar year IMHPAC meeting schedule. Meetings typically occur the 1st Thursday of every other month. Discussed moving January and July meeting schedule dates due to holiday.
      • January 12, 2023
      • March 2, 2023
      • May 4, 2023
      • July 13, 2023
      • Sept. 7, 2023
      • Nov. 2, 2023
    • Motion to approve 2023 meeting schedule; Shirley Davis, second Ray Connor, (all aye)
  • Public Comment/ Q&A: no public comment
  • Next Council meeting: January 12, 2023
  • Motion to adjourn: Motion to adjourn made by Ray Connor all aye, meeting adjourned at 2:09pm.