Personnel Policies Overview

Personnel Policies Overview

Fiscal & Administrative Review Assistance for IDHS Providers

Personnel policies guide the way your organization is run and are critical to the successful implementation of grant programs. Effective personnel policies should include:

  1. Statement of purpose
  2. Policy statement
  3. Definitions of key terms
  4. Clear policy guidelines

Your organization must research, develop, and implement the below personnel policies:

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Policy Confidentiality Policy
Sexual Harassment Policy Fraud, Waste and Abuse Whistleblower Policy
Equal Opportunity Policy Records Retention Policy
Non-Discrimination Policy Employee Evaluation Policy
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy Conflict of Interest Policy
Drug-Free Workplace Policy Use of Equipment Policy

Your organization is responsible for collecting and maintaining personnel records. At a minimum, your organization should collect and maintain the below information:

  1. Job applications, resumes, hiring process records
  2. Job descriptions that correspond to departmental organization charts
  3. Documentation of annual employee evaluations
  4. Conflict of interest statements
  5. Training logs and onboarding information

Personnel Policy Reminders

  1. Memorialize your organization's personnel policies in writing and obtain approval by the appropriate governing body of your organization
  2. Periodically review and refresh your organization's personnel policies to ensure consistency with Federal and State requirements