CESSA - Region 1 Committee Meeting Approved Minutes 03/02/2023

Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) Region 1 Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes- Thursday, 03/02/2023 - 2:00 PM

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 04/06/2023

  • Open Meetings Act
    • These meetings will be subject to Open Meetings Act.
    • A copy of the agendas and meeting minutes will be posted to the Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Mental Health Open Meetings Page.
  • Call to Order/Introductions
    • Meeting called to order at 2:03 pm by Patrick Phelan.
    • Previous Meeting minutes approved by motion of Christopher Scroll, seconded by Heather Butler. Approved unanimously.
  • Attendees:
    • Via web-based Teams: Patrick Phelan, Dr. Muhhamad Shareef, Lynn Akker, Danielle Angileri, David Lohse, Deanna Cada, Brenda Hampton, Joan Lodge, Matthew Smetana, Chris Baldwin, Heather Butler, Chris Scroll, Jason Leverton, Joshua Lewis .
    • Absent- Jason Holcomb, Tessa Lohse, Collette Mickelsen, John Girone, Eric Brown, Jennifer Fey , Brandon Lieber .
  • Overview: The CESSA Statewide Interim Risk Assessment Matrix: Introduction and Toolkit
    • Members of the committee were asked to email Patrick Phelan any research gathered to help complete toolkit.
    • Toolkits are being piloted by three PSAPS, and the final toolkits will go directly to the PSAPS to survey the departments they work with.
  • A continuum of police and community response
    • The state envisions a continuum of responses based on the conditions and potential lethality of each crisis call.
    • CESSA does not prohibit Law Enforcement from participating in resolving certain situations and co-responder models and CIT training remain valuable assets in the continuum.
    • A diverse set of innovative law enforcement and behavioral health collaborative models are being tested and implemented across Illinois and nationwide.
  • The Interim Risk Assessment Matrix
    • A tool to structure conversations matching the right dispatch/response to specific types of mental health.
    • Developed based on national best practices, with expert consultant input from Illinois, developed and approved by S&P and reviewed by the SAC.
    • Designed to be used by RAC membership as part of the discussions leading to protocols and standards recommendations.
  • The Interim Risk Assessment Matrix describes four levels of risk to health and safety
    • Level one: no immediate threats to life, no lethal weapons present and no plans to access non-lethal weapons. Response time sixty minutes.
    • Level two: no immediate threats to life/minor self-injurious behavior, no weapons actively involved. Response time thirty minutes.
    • Level three: no immediate threats to life with active assault on others, no weapons actively involve. Non-lethal weapons present with plans to access them. Response time immediate.
    • Level four: Immediate threats to life, active situation with weapons involved, lethal weapons present. Response time immediate.
  • The Interim Risk Assessment Matrix Toolkit Part one
    • The PSAPs will work with the EMS Directors to reflect recommendations regarding modifications to levels two and three of the Risk Matrix.
    • EMD protocols will need to be reviewed and possibly updated, to ensure that they reflect the dispatch decisions associated with the risk matrix levels.
    • An updated and expanded standardized set of mental health and behavioral health crisis incident codes with associated dispatch dispositions will need to be mapped to the adopted risk assessment matrix.
    • PSAPs will take the lead on working with their vendors to update EMD protocols.
    • In preparation for the task, the Landscape Survey is being conducted by the RAC's and includes the following: (a) number of PSAP seats, (b) the name of EMD protocols, (c) the name of CAD systems, and (d) whether the EMD protocol is integrated electronically with the PSAP's CAD system.
  • Questions and Answers
    • Christopher Scroll commented on the importance of who is in charge at the scene of a crisis. Christopher expressed that he feels it is important to make sure someone with proper training and background oversees a crisis situation.
    • Joan Lodge commented that she has concerns with the response times on level one and level two. In rural areas it may be harder to make that sixty- and thirty-minute response time. If many calls are happening at once, that could also affect that response time.
    • Heather Butler commented on the survey for the PSAPS. Heather said that the PSAPS are currently trying to make decisions based off the resources each county has. There have been some tweaks made. The state is trying to gather all the information that they can. The matrix expanded to try and fit certain areas. Heather has been looking into how the communication has been between 911 and 988 phone calls. Liability has been discussed as well.
    • Christopher Scroll asked if there are any thoughts on data collection and sharing of information across multiple record systems amongst providers.
    • Brenda Hampton commented and let the committee know that there is a statewide advisory subcommittee that is called, "Technology and Data." This statewide committee is currently talking through some of the challenges. Brenda will work on getting answers for the committee.
  • State Updates
    • Brenda Hampton stated that more information will be coming regarding the landscape analysis, which is currently being piloted by three PSAP's.
    • Brenda Hampton stated that the crisis hub and DMH are aggressively working to meet the deliverables per month.
    • Brenda Hampton stated that new in March, there will be introductions to the training which is being developed for all participants in these processes. By June of this year, the training department should have a full curriculum for training both 988 mobile crisis response teams and 911.
  • Next Meeting: Thursday 04/06/2023 at 2:00pm. Subsequent meetings will be held at 2:00pm on the first Thursday of each month and are scheduled through June 2023.
  • Public Comments: None
    • Dismissal: Meeting was adjourned at 2:50pm.