IORAB Medical & Research Workgroup Minutes 2.21.23

  • Illinois Opioid Remediation Advisory Board

  • Medical & Research Working Group Meeting

  • February 21, 2023
  • Virtual Meeting Held Via Zoom


Medical and Research Working Group Members

  • Adrienne Adams, MD, Rosecrance (Chair)
  • Nicole Gastala, MD, IDHS, SUPR
  • Jessica Perillo, Boone County Health Department
  • Joan Stevens Thome, Sangamon County Health Department
  • Katie Unthank, Egyptian Health Department
  • Michael Dennis, PhD, Lighthouse Research Institute, Chestnut Health Systems
  • Tamara Olt, MD, Broken No More, Jolt Foundation
  • Doug Smith, PhD, University of Illinois
  • Dana Ray, MD, Crossings Healthcare
  • Ernest Rose, MD, Rose Medical Association
  • Katherine Austman, MD, Gibson Area Hospital and Health Services
  • Katharine (Kitty) Juul, Southern Illinois University (SIU)
  • Kathryn Bocanegra, PhD, Jane Addams College of Social Work, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
  • Lindsay Wilson, CDC Foundation
  • Michael Isaacson, Kane County Health Department
  • Amanda Mehl, Boone County Health Department
  • Dan Lustig, PsyD, MA, Haymarket Center

Welcome and Roll Call

  • Sue Pickett, PhD of Advocates for Human Potential, Inc., facilitator, welcomed the group and roll call was taken. All members were present except for Jessica Perillo, Joan Stevens Thome, Dr. Tamara Olt, Dr. Ernest Rose, and Amanda Mehl. Quorum was established. Dr. Adams, Medical & Research Working Group Chair, welcomed the group.

Review and Approval of January 17, 2023 Meeting Minutes

  • Dr. Dennis made a motion to approve the minutes. Dr. Lustig seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor of approving the minutes. The motion passed.

IORAB Meeting Update

  • Dr. Pickett and Dr. Adams gave an update on the January 12, 2023 Illinois Opioid Remediation Advisory Board (IORAB) meeting. Two recommendations, funding for the Access Narcan program and funding to expand features of the Illinois Prescription Monitoring Program (ILPMP) were approved by the IORAB. These recommendations will be presented to the Governor's Opioid Prevention and Recovery Steering Committee for review and approval.

Priority Recommendations for the IORAB

  • Sherrine Peyton, Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (IDHS/SUPR), Statewide Opioid Settlement Administrator (SOSA), is working on a document to summarize this process for making recommendations to the IORAB. Note: The next IORAB meeting is April 19th.
  • Dr. Adams led a discussion about developing proposed recommendations related to State of Illinois Overdose Action Plan (SOAP) Priority #23, Ensure access to all forms of medications/MAR in correctional facilities, and Priority #10, Increase initiation to buprenorphine in emergency departments. The working group's document listing draft recommendations related to Priorities #23 and #10 was discussed:
    • The importance of retention in treatment was discussed. Clients must be supported to stay in treatment. If clients stop and restart treatment, it can lead to treatment resistance. It was noted that case management could be a solution to improving treatment retention.
    • Transportation from the corrections system directly to community care can help eliminate gaps in services.
    • A lack of safe and sober housing for persons leaving jails and prisons is a barrier to treatment access. It was noted that Housing First is an effective model for people with substance misuse; it was also noted a continuum of housing options is needed.
    • Stigma is a barrier to access.
    • Dr. Adams asked about preferred medications to address opioid use. A working group member stated that treatment is individualized; the medication that the client is willing to take is best.
    • It was suggested that the group advocate for funding for all providers prescribing medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD), not just opioid treatment programs (OTPs).
    • Mobile vans can function as satellite clinics to OTPs. Hospitals and public health departments can collaborate with OTPs. It was clarified that OTPs are registered by the State and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). It would be very challenging for most hospitals to meet OTP requirements, so partnerships with OTPs are desirable.
    • It was noted that it would be beneficial to recommend funding for hiring and training peer support/reentry peer support specialists in prisons and jails. The group must consider how to get peer support specialists involved and how to pay them.
    • It was suggested that a continuum of treatment in emergency departments be included in recommendations for Priority #10, including take-home naloxone. Dr. Pickett stated that there is a SOAP priority about expanding naloxone use in emergency departments.
  • The group discussed the process for submitting recommendations to the IORAB.
    • Ms. Peyton clarified that her role is to ensure that the recommendations put forward are aligned with the SOAP and approved abatement strategies within the settlement agreement. She also assists Working Group members to identify data that support recommendations. She makes sure recommendations fit within the goals and objectives, especially to address disparities, and ensures equitable distribution of funds within the Illinois Department of Public Health's (IDPH's) seven Illinois regions. Dr. Pickett will send a copy of the SOAP and a link to the settlement agreement (Illinois Opioid Allocation Agreement)
    • The draft recommendation document will be circulated for revision. Ideas for recommendations will be refined during the March Working Group meeting and then put to a vote for approval to send to the IORAB.
    • The Access and Equity Working Group recommended the creation of workforce development working group. Working Group members can email Ms. Peyton ( if interested, or to recommend another person. Names will be forwarded to the Secretary and Attorney General's office for consideration.

Public Participation

  • Dr. Tanya Sorrell shared that Los Angeles changed current policy to allow students under the age of 18 to have access to Narcan. Work is currently underway at Chicago Public Schools (CPS) to develop an overdose prevention outreach program for teachers, parents, and students.
  • Dr. Sorrell also noted that the lengthy Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) waiver process for persons with prior misdemeanor arrests is a barrier to Certified Recovery Support Specialist (CRSS) workforce development and should be addressed.


  • Dr. Gastala made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Dr. Austman seconded the motion. All working group members present voted in favor of adjourning the meeting. The motion passed. The meeting adjourned. The next Medical & Research Working Group meeting will be held on March 21, 2023.