CESSA - Region 7 Committee Meeting Approved Minutes 01/19/2023

Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) Region 7 Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes -  January 19, 2023 - 2:00-3:30 via Zoom

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 03/16/2023

  • Welcome & Call to Order- CESSA Region 7 Advisory Membership Committee
    • Dr. Sharronne ward (Co-Chairperson) called the meeting to order at 9:03am
    • Attendees: Katherine Darr, Sarah White, Anthony Marzano, Joseph Troiani, Renee Donaldson, Whitney Bunts, Leodis Scott, Kristi De Laurentiis, Jeffrey Carey. Renee Donaldson, Kim Buckheister, Douglas Jones, Marianne Bithos, Marc Maton and Ryan Dillon.
    • Absences: Jennifer Brothers, David Jacobson, Leanne Mul, Kevin Bernard, Chief Mitchell Davis, Bonnie Hassan,
    • Guests: Joseph Thomas - Grand Prairie Services (Sr. Director Crisis Service), Hilda Hernandez - C4 (Chicago - 9-8-8 Call Center Provider), Brenda Hampton - UIC (Behavioral Health Crisis Hub), Pamela Orr - Grand Prairie Services (Consultant)
  • Open Meetings Act
    • Dr. Darr reiterated the Illinois Open Meetings Act with the Advisory Committee Members.
  • Approval of Minutes from December 22, 2022
    • One Advisory Membership correction: Renee Donaldson's affiliation corrected to reflect Behavioral Health Provider - Advocate Christ Hospital.
    • Next proposed meeting date Thursday, February 16th, 2023.
  • Motion to Accept the RAC Charter
    • Motion to vote for Charter approval carried via Joseph Troiani and 2nd by Kim Buckheister.
    • The vote was carried with 14 yes votes and zero nay votes.
  • Presentations: 
    • IDPH / EMS System - Dr. Darr - Illinois has 11 EMS regions; each region is a system of hospitals and ambulance vehicles.
    • Region 7 - 115 Fire Departments and Ambulance Services, 11 Hospitals, 5,000 EMS Providers and 6 EMS Systems (Resource Hospitals).
    • Region 7 - Six Resource Hospitals:
  1. Advocate Christ - Oak Lawn, IL
  2. Morris - Morris, IL
  3. St. Mary's - Kankakee, IL
  4. Riverside - Kankakee, IL
  5. Silver Cross - New Lenox, IL
  6. Ingalls - Harvey, IL
    • 210 ILCS 50/ EMS Systems Act - Dr Darr:
    • See RAC Region 7 PowerPoint presentation for detailed explanation.
    • Comment - Kristi DeLaurentiis - Requested visual map of regional activity within Illinois i.e., Fire Departments, EMS.
  • DHS / Mental Health - Joseph Thomas (GPS)
    • See RAC Region 7 PowerPoint presentation for detailed explanation.
    • Supplemental: Dr. Ward Co-Chair Grand Prairie Services - 590 Region 7 coverage includes the following providers:
    1. Kirby Rehabilitation
    2. Trinity Services
    3. Helen Wheeler Center
    4. Family Development
    5. Will County
    6. Grand Prairie Services
    • 988 - Hilda Hernandez (C4
      • See RAC Region 7 PowerPoint presentation for detailed explanation.
    • ISP / Public Service Answering Points (PSAPs) Anthony Marzano (Administrator, CEO Will County 911 System) and Sarah White (Training Coordinator and Southwest Central Dispatch):
      • See RAC Region 7 PowerPoint presentation for detailed explanation.
      1. Sync 9-8-8 Triage (EMTs, Paramedics) with Physicians.
      2. Comment from Anthony Marzano - CESSA needs unilateral standardization addressing, capacity, capability for EMS, 590 MCRTs, transfers.
      3. Brenda Hampton provided clarification regarding - 9-8-8 is not the 9-1-1 backup for Illinois.
      4. Comment from Sarah White - No statewide mandated standardized training has been established and that each Dispatch Center conducts its own independent training and education.
      5. Comment Kristi De Laurentiis - EMS has experienced staff shortages via turnover and retirement. Anthony Marzano concurs with staff retention issues and seeks resolution.
  • State Updates:
    • Brenda Hampton - December 22nd, 2022, clarifies with law enforcement the communication and coordination of CESSA for individuals requiring petitioning / certification for inpatient hospitalization.
    • SAC has approved a 4 Technical Subcommittee to facilitate communication and coordination with the RACs. (Charter amendment is pending)
      1. 1. Protocol and Standards Technical Subcommittee
      2. The Technical Subcommittee on Technology, Systems Integration and Data Management
      3. The Technical Subcommittee on Communication, Information Sharing and Public Messaging
      4. Training
    • Crisis Hub will forward guidance to RAC Region 7 for February 2023 meeting.
  • Regional Advisory Committee Members open discussion - Questions/Answers
    • Kristi DeLaurentiis - Explain Behavioral Health professionals who cannot certify or petition, collaborate with the Providers and MCRTs. Brenda Hampton response - Per state legislation Behavioral Health Providers cannot sign petition or certify due to interference with Advocates (therapeutic relationship). A General Assembly rewrite for CESSA is possible.
    • Current CESSA miscommunication exists statewide impacting all stakeholders i.e., Law Enforcement.
    • Brenda Hampton - RAC should continue operations based on current configuration.
    • Anthony Marzano mentioned increasing Region 7 membership and standardizing requirements for Sheriffs multi-regional support operations e.g., communication and coordination protocol.
    • Marianne Bithos - request access of statistics on 9-8-8 operations. Hilda Hernandez responded that - 9-8-8 has moderate call volume, current resources deemed adequate, no referrals 90% required , 20 minute average call time and follow-ups exists. It was understood that Vibrant retains 9-8-8 data analysis detailing operational status for various regions. Brenda Hampton will follow-up relative to obtaining regional data as follows:
      1. Distribution of 988 calls, by the state, to program 590
      2. Distribution of 988 calls to EMS Region 7
      3. Number of 988 calls, statewide, transferred to 911.
      4. Number of 988 calls from the Region transferred to 911.
  • Next Meeting Date: February 16, 2023 (CESSA RAC Sub-committee selections due)
  • Adjournment 10:39 a.m.
    • Joe Troiani motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Kristi DeLaurentiis.