The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) Division of Developmental Disabilities directly supports almost 32,000 children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) across Illinois to live person-centered lives of their choosing by supporting housing, work, recreation, and other important programs.
Developmental and Intellectual Disability System Background
In March 2023, Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Human Services announced a three-year transformation initiative aimed at a compassionate, positive, and data-informed reshaping of the way the State approaches care for individuals with I/DD. The initiative includes a deeper investment in Home and Community Based supports and significant changes at the Choate Mental Health & Developmental Center (CMHDC) in Anna, Illinois. More than 100 of CMHDC's 250+ residents and patients will move from I/DD units on campus to other locations, guided by the wishes of themselves, their families, and/or their guardians.
As a part of this transformation, IDHS is focused on three primary actions:
- REDUCE reliance on SODC system for long-term care and focus on expanding a comprehensive, community-based continuum of services and supports for individuals with I/DD
- INCREASE quality of care and supervision at SODCs
- Dramatically INCREASE community capacity through funding, technical support, and collaboration
Independent Review
As part of this undertaking, IDHS requested reviews and recommendations from three independent experts:
You can review IDHS' progress towards addressing recommendations in each of these key reports - Independent Review Progress
As the initiative progresses, IDHS is committed to keeping stakeholders and the public informed about the changes, their impact, and the improvements being made.
Parent/Guardian Communication Archive
Staff Communication Archive
Press Releases
Learn More
Community Investment
Improvements Choate Mental Health & Developmental Center (CMHDC)
Resident Transitions
Transformation Initiative FAQs
Transformation Visualizations

Pie chart entitled "31,087 Individuals Served in DDD Funded Settings." 38% At Home HBS (Adult), 35% CILAs, 10% ICF-DDs, 5% SODCs, 4% Day Prog. Only, 7% Other.
Line graph entitled "IL State-Operated Developmental Center Resident Census." Illustrates the decline in census over time. 2,762 residents in 2006 down to 1,627 residents in 2023.
Line graph entitled "State of Illinois DDD Budgets, FYs 2009-2025." SODC budget line has remained relatively flat, with 2024 funding at $434M. DD Community and Total DDD Budget lines have increased over time, from approximately $1B to $2B and $2B to $3B, respectively. These totals do not include development disability programs and supports funded by the Illinois Department of Public Health, the State Medicaid program [Illinois Department of Healthcare & Family Services], the Illinois Department of Human Services' Divisions of Mental Health and Rehabilitation Services, the Illinois Guardianship & Advocacy Commission, or the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities.
Line graph entitled "Illinois I/DD DSP Hourly Wage Reimbursement Rates, 1995-2024." Illustrates how Chicago Area and Statewide DSP Rates are consistently higher than Illinois Minimum Wage, with a sharp increase over minimum wage in the past few years.
This website is a repository for resources related to the DD transformation. Please send any related questions and/or suggestions to