CESSA Protocols and Standards Subcommittee Meeting - Approved Minutes 12/01/2022

CESSA Protocols and Standards Subcommittee Meeting December 1, 2022, 2:30 - 4:00 pm via Zoom

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 12/15/2022

Welcome and Call to Order

* Meeting called to order at 2:33 by Chair, Cindy Barbera-Brelle

Meeting Logistics/OMA

  • Barbera-Brelle presented the OMA notices.

Roll Call and Approval of Minutes from previous Protocols and Standards meeting on November 17, 2022

  • Reynold made a motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting, Dallas seconded.
  • Cary: no response
  • Campos: present, yes
  • Reynolds: present, yes
  • Huff: present, yes
  • Barbera-Brelle: present, yes
  • Reinert: present, yes
  • Hansen: no response
  • Manthy: present, yes
  • Dallas: present, yes
  • Motion to approve the minutes passed.
  • With seven of nine members present, a quorum is established.

Denver STAR (Support Team Alternative Response) presentation

Carleigh Sailon

Questions after the presentation

  • Dallas: How are off-hour requests?
  • The ECTs flag STAR-eligible calls 24/7, to establish measures of future need. Co-responders respond 24/7, so they cover STAR-eligible calls when STAR is not eligible.
  • Rickman: Relationship with 988? 911 does not dispatch to 988, but 988 does send to 911 for possible dispatch.
  • Markul: Your call takers are cross trained for police, fire, EMS? Yes, we use ProQA.

Discussion on Risk Matrices

  • Lorrie Rickman-Jones to lead discussion.
  • How did you appreciate the presentation?
  • Dallas: I liked how they were able to incorproate what was already happening, like their existing "risk matrices."
  • Campos: interested in the codes, which we haven't discussed yet, but they are comprehensive and we may choose to use.
  • Markul: Great that they worked this into their existing protocols, which is easier than the labor-intensive process to change protocols. It makes things much more efficient to have the call-takers handle all manner of calls; rather than in Chicagio where there are two centers.
  • Barbera-Brelle: most PSAPs across Illinois handle all manner of calls
  • Reynolds: agree with earlier comments, the simplicity of this model. This is the most promising for how we could do this across the state.
  • Rickman-Jones presents the matrices.
  • Does Illinois want a four-level system?
  • Manthy: The Illinois fire chiefs is trying to find that correct point, where fire and police go together. We'd want there to be an either/or, where if fire or EMS is going to be dispatched, then we'd also want police with us.
  • Reynolds: Agree. Within the dispatch center, it's either police/fire together or transferred out. The 4-level system is too confusing.
  • Dallas: Agreed. The 4/5 level matrix is too much. Maybe three level: transfer to 988, or 988 with fire/LE on standby, or send traditional.
  • Campos: from the perspective of 590 providers, our biggest concern is safety of the responders.
  • Huff: Thinking of the actual consumer, that is their experience. In the four-level matrix, how many elements are represented in the levels?
  • Markul: I like the Westchester 5-tier, but not for 911. It's good for 988.
  • Barbera-Brelle: We need to flesh out the three level idea, especially that middle level (MCRT with LE on standby)
  • Daniels: Perhaps release a draft based on these comments. Also, there are a lot of variables here, like Markul's
  • Reynolds: we are looking out for the consumer, which is why we don't want to have more levels that might delay the response
  • Manthy: When we're dealing with ProQA and other vendor questions, we have to figure out where the dispatch decision ends up.
  • Barbera-Brelle: Yes, we'll have to take a look at the change to the vendors questions and how well they are working.
  • Reinert: If we're thinking about a three-tiered system, we are still building the 590 program. CESSA is also inviting us to think forward about how we are building the system for the future. I encourage us to remain flexible so that we have we're not tied to such a robust first responder response.
  • Huff: The different variables and questions that are needed to decide who and how to send a response. There's no clarity on who and how the transfer would be decided upon. I agree with the idea that we need to look at a draft so that we can understand the impact of the response and away from a law enforcement response. The more options we have gives us more options to direct them away from an institutionalized response and towards a response from community mental health professional.
  • Rickman-Jones: Inviting participants to volunteer to help to develop this draft of the three-tier process.
  • Campos: Coming from the MCRT / 590 perspective, what questions are the 988 call-takers asking so that they know which calls should be send to 911 or 590.
  • Reynolds: We're talking about two different things. The 911 systems has been in place since 80s/90s, so when we talk about the three levels, we're not diminishing the needs for people to get a response. 911 responds in seconds and the non-emergency response happens in minutes or longer.
  • Dallas: At 911s, our job is to dispatch first responders. Once we have the answers to the existing questions (weapons, scene safety, crime), if they are no, we want to hand off the call to an alternative response.
  • Kathleen McNamara: When we are talking about someone who is acutely suicidal, my worry is that person be transported as quickly as possible. I hope that there would be provision for that.
  • Reynolds: That situation would be in the middle level, where that person would be addressed quickly, with first-responders on standby.

State Updates

Public Comment

  • No public comment.


  • Reynolds moved to adjourn, Huff seconded. Passed unanimously by voice voice. Adjourned at 3:43 pm.