Joliet LAC Meeting Agenda, March 27, 2023

Monday March 27, 2023

6:00 pm

via Zoom

Members of the public are invited to attend. For those who would like to make public comment, we request that those comments be submitted in advance of the meeting to the appointed liaison. Please send all comments by 8:30am, Monday March 27, 2023.


  1. Roll Call
  2. Previous 2/13/2023 Meeting Minutes -
  3. Public Comment -
  4. Current Business:
    • Update from Greater Illinois OFVP on status of Grants Approved
    1. Identify Grant Recipients
    2. Overview of Open Grants
    3. Joliet Impacted Area:
    4. Resources and Funding into Joliet's impacted area
  5. District updates: Illinois State Representative Dagmara Avelar
    1. Joliet Impacted Area:
    2. Resources and Funding into Joliet's impacted area
  6. New Business:
    • Board Expansion
    1. Qualifications
    2. Process to Add Board Members
  7. Q&A
  8. Adjourn