CESSA Communication, Information Sharing & Public Messaging Subcommittee Meeting - Approved Minutes 02/22/2023

Meeting of the Technical Subcommittee on Communication, Information Sharing, and Public Messaging

February 22, 2023 2:30-4:00 pm via Zoom

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 03/08/2023

  • Meeting called to order at 2:33 pm by Emily Miller (Chair)
  • Member Roll Call/Minutes:
    • Emily Miller (Chair), Vice-President for Behavioral Health Policy, Illinois Association of Rehabilitation Facilities (IARF) - present and approved the minutes
    • Jim Kaitschuk, Director of Illinois Sheriff's Association- present and approved the minutes
    • Jessena Williams, DMH Statewide Coordinator for Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind and Late-Deafened, (designee for Lee Ann Reinert/David Albert, DMH Director) - present and approved the minutes
    • Pat Wade, Senior Director of Strategic Communications, UIUC, Division of Public Safety (Designee for Alice Cary, UIUC, Chief of Police) - present and approved the minutes
  • Miller recognized a quorum. Kaitschuk moved to approve the previous meeting minutes, Williams seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Expert Consultants:
    • Dr. Allison Brown, UIC Behavioral Health Crisis Hub
    • Peter Eckart, UIC Behavioral Health Crisis Hub
    • Marisa Kollias, Director, IDHS Communications
    • Jennifer Wooldridge, Deputy Director, Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board
    • Jill McCamant, Suicide Prevention Coordinator Project Manager, Office of Health Promotion, IDPH
  • Other (public) participants:
    • Samuel Jones
    • Sarah White
    • Chris Harding
    • Matt Fishback
    • Candace Coleman
    • Dana Craig
    • Katrina Jamieson
    • Greg Atteberry
  • Official Notices
  • OMA Training
  • State Updates:
    • Eckart described the process that the Regional Advisory Committees are engaged in that will result in content for this Subcommittee.
    • Brown presented the 6-month CESSA sprint plan.
  • Discussion of plan and deliverables (Brown)
    • Key Stakeholders and Constituents:
      • Brown: Review of slide - who else to prioritize other than those on this list (slide)?
      • Miller: Include higher education under youth and young adults
      • Wade: Local libraries can connect to the communities and disseminate information
      • Williams: Citizen police academies or junior law enforcement academies
      • Kollias: Include DCFS under Illinois state agencies
      • Williams: CAC, children's advocacy centers in connection to the juvenile justice and probation systems
      • Miller: Existing gatherings of advocacy groups, like those concerned with public health
      • Miller: Public transportation hubs
      • From the Zoom chat: Block or neighborhood clubs/ Township centers, Malls
      • Wade: National guard, transportation hubs, school resource officers
      • Kaitschuk: Jr. ROTC, stadiums, Secondary school sports
      • Brown: Local food system/food banks
      • Williams: Leverage existing state and local listservs
      • Eckart: Leverage local networks attending at the RACs
      • Wade: U of I counseling center
    • Modality and Cadence of Communications:
      • Brown: Review of slide - what other modalities and cadences other than those on this list (slide)?
      • Miller: Refers to a previous subcommittee conversation about a town hall meeting with RAC members
      • Brown: Town halls would have to have a very focused purpose for public messaging
      • Eckart: Still possible if the Subcommittee wishes
      • Miller: What about a survey of the RACs?
      • Eckart: Perhaps craft 2-3 questions to be asked of the RACs and that will be reported at subsequent monthly reports
      • Brown: Perhaps the RACs can execute their own focus groups on communications
      • Miller: How do we determine what people would want in a more detailed FAQ?
      • Williams: We could ask the RACs which modalities would work best in their Region
      • Wade: Modalities need to be reflective of the audiences
      • Wade: Digital message boards (billboards) in high-traffic areas
      • Brown: Wade, how does local law enforcement interact with local youths?
      • Wade: Social media is primary, can access university mass email (not necessarily replicable in all LE agencies); digital message boards in univ residence halls
      • Brown: Reiterates that the messages and media must match the audiences, which vary across Illinois and the 11 regions (urban, suburban, rural, etc.); ask RACs about influencers via survey or focus groups
      • Williams: Reiterates that the RACs represent a powerful conduit to all of the audiences we want to reach
      • Miller: Organizations, legislators and legislative groups that hold various community events and conferences
      • Williams: Public health fairs, exhibits at other fairs
      • Brown: We are working on a toolkit to be provided to the RACs
      • Miller: Reiterates that updates to the law will be important drivers to communicate with the RACs
  • Next Meetings
    • Miller moves that the meeting schedule be moved to first and third Thursday at 11:00 am, seconded by Wade.
    • Subsequent conversation suggested that the matter be tabled to the following meeting on March 8, 2023.
  • Public Comment
    • No members of the public asked to be recognized or comment.
  • Adjournment
    • Miller asked for a motion to adjourn. Wade moved to adjourn the meeting, Williams seconded, and it passed unanimously.
    • Meeting adjourned at 3:52 pm