Greater Illinois Reimagine Youth Intervention Services (GI-YIS) Technical Assistance, Appendices, Question and Answers (24-444-80-3005-01)

Technical Assistance

This technical assistance session will provide participants with an overview of the 24-444-80-3005-01 Greater Illinois Reimagine Youth Intervention Services Notice of Funding Opportunity and information on how providers can apply for FY24.

  • Date and Time: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 10:00AM Central Time (US and Canada)
  • GI-YIS NOFO Technical Assistance Session, recording from March 15th 

Greater Illinois Youth Intervention Services Appendices:

Questions and Answers:

March 8, 2023:

  1. Question: Per the current Greater Illinois postings on IDHS: Open Grant Opportunities (, I don't see a Youth DEVELOPMENT titled NOFO for Greater Illinois. Can you tell me if IDHS will be announcing another/new Youth Development Services grant opportunity for the time period July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024?
    Answer: The RPSA Youth Development NOFO closed on September 8, 2022. This Greater Illinois Youth Intervention Services NOFO includes youth development services and is the only planned NOFO of its type at this time.

March 14, 2023:

  1. Question: I'm hoping to clarify the date of the Tech Session for Greater Illinois Reimagine Youth Intervention Services (24-444-80-3005-01). The NOFO says Tuesday, 3/14/23, however when I registered, the date says 3/15/23.
     The Technical Assistance Session for Greater Illinois Reimagine Youth Intervention Services (24-444-80- 3005-01) is Wednesday, March 15th. The TA Session has been updated on this page and the NOFO, as of 3/14/23. 

March 15, 2023:

  1. Question: Are we required to fill out a separate budget form for each service our organization proposes to provide?
    No. We expect one budget that includes all costs. The Executive Summary asks for an amount per service component.
  2. Question: If we choose to provide more than one service are we required to budget each program out of the $180,000, or is it $180,000 per service program?
    The average total award is $180,000 no matter how many services are proposed.
  3. Question: Do I need to submit a Letter of Intent for this NOFO?
    No. A Letter of Intent is not necessary for this solicitation.

March 16, 2023:

  1. Question: Are these allowable expenses: 1). A commercial stove - for life skills and meal prep; 2) Replace broken bleachers - for after school activities in the gymnasium. 
    Please refer to Section C.8. Grant Fund Use Requirements.
  2. Question: Are we required to fill out a separate budget form for each  service our organization proposes to provide? If we choose to provide more than one service are we required to budget each program out of the $180,000, or is it $180,000 per service program? 
    : The Executive Summary asks for the amount per program area. Applicants do not need to submit separate budgets. The average for the total award, regardless of the number of program areas, is $180,000.
  3. Question: Do all subcontractor agreements need to be in place at the time of  proposal submission? 
    They don't need to be in place but you should have an idea of who you want to work with and include this in the proposal. The actual signed agreements don't need to be in place.
  4. Question:  Will the Technical Assistance session slides be emailed out after the presentation? 
    We are not able to email slides out. 
  5. Question:  Does exec summary count towards page count for narrative? 
    No, attachments do not count toward the page limit.
  6. Question:  Is a scoring rubric available for applicants to view? 
    We do not provide a score rubric. Scoring information in Section E.2. Review and Selection Process for scoring by section.  This question was updated on 3/23/22.
  7. Question: Is there a minimum number of youth the program must serve in order for the application to be competitive? 
    : No, there is not a minimum. Numbers should be in proportion to the budget  request. We are interested in funding things that are cost effective and reasonable.
  8. Question: Are agencies in Chicago eligible for this application? 
    No, this NOFO #ending in 3005 is for the Greater Illinois Areas. We are holding the TA Session on the NOFO for Chicago tomorrow. You can register for that here: IDHS: Reimagine Youth Development & Intervention Services Technical Assistance Session/Questions & Answers/Appendices (
  9. Question: What is the funding cap? 
      There is not a funding cap. We anticipate the average award to be $180,000 for a 12-month period. This question was updated 3/22/23.
  10. Question: Is there a certain number of awards for this grant? 
    The NOFO includes a range of between16 and 60
  11. Question: Is there any information available for who the local councils are? 
    Please refer to Local Advisory Council.

March 28, 2023:

  1. Question: I write on behalf of six locations of a large organization listed as eligible within Central Illinois for?444-80-2774.03/RPSA Greater Illinois Youth Intervention Services. We have some locations that are very excited to begin assembling their application materials and as coordinator wanted to confirm we understood all elements. Our organization shares a FEIN number throughout a large area, however all locations utilize their own UEI and manage their own budgets and programming. Would interested locations be able to submit individual applications, detailing the need in their respective communities?
    Applicants must submit a separate application for each separate eligible service area. All 6 could separately apply and if successful, could be funded. 
  2. Question: I see many of the materials are provided for on the DHS web page. For the Proposal narrative, this is to be completed in a word?document? I see reference to Appendix D however not all required elements are included on that form. If we do utilize a word document- could we also include the Budget Narrative on the same document (ensuring each section begins on a new page in the header)
    The Program Narrative should be completed in a word document, PDF'd and submitted as part of one combined PDF that includes all other required documents. The budget narrative can follow the program narrative. Appendix D is the Executive Summary. This is a distinct, required document.
  3. Question: Where can I watch the recorded Technical Assistance Session?
    : Technical Assistance Session

April 12, 2023: 

  1. Question: Are we required to fill out a separate budget form for each service our organization proposes to provide? If we choose to provide more than one service are we required to budget each program out of the $180,000, or is it $180,000 per service program?
    The average award total amount is $180,000 which includes all proposed service components. Section D.3.f outlines all the budget submission requirements. Section D.3 explains that the question #12 in the Executive Summary asks: "Enter budget amount request for this service (The budget amounts for each proposed service will be added up to calculate the total budget request; be sure to include personnel, fringe, etc. The budget amounts should be for the entire project period.)
  2. Question: I am reaching out to ask questions about the Youth Intervention Services Grant. Our school district currently provides many of the intervention services. We were wondering if the grant had to include those services as independent grant components or can we integrate current services to the youth served in this program? For example, our Wraparound Wellness Center provides trauma supports, mentoring, and family support services. Could we capitalize on those existing programs and focus our attention on the component of the grant that we do not currently offer to its maximum potential in the district as an intervention, employment readiness and skill development?
     Applicants can apply for at least one service component. All program components are not required
  3. Question: I only just received the Greater Illinois Reimagine Youth Intervention Services (GI-YIS) Notice of Funding Opportunity (24-444-80-3005-01) from a colleague. Why are there no areas in Chicago?
    Please see this NOFO for Chicago: IDHS: Chicago Youth Development & Intervention Services (CYDIS) Technical Assistance, Appendices, Question and Answers (24-444-80-3007) (
  4. Question: My organization is planning to apply for the Greater Illinois YIS grant and I was wondering where we are supposed to submit the application. Is there a specific portal where the grant narrative, budget, and supplemental forms should be submitted to?
    Please refer to the NOFO Section D.4 details the submission instructions.
  5. Question: Per the NOFO (3.f.) RYIS providers are required to develop and implement or maintain a DEI/Racial just place. Although we have a number of policies and practices in place will IDHS or TTAS providers offer training that helps us fully flesh out a formal plan with required elements?
    DHS funded Training and Technical Assistance will be made available to selected grantees.
  6. Per the NOFO (3.g.ii.) Grantees are required to collaborate in the development and implementation of coordinated community events which reclaim public space in communities impacted by gun violence. Currently, there is only one other grantee in our Cluster. Is the expectation that if funded, it will be the sole responsibility of local organizations to develop a community event or will this be part of a regional or statewide coordinated effort?
    The grant requirement to coordinate on a community event with other RPSA grantees may not be required if no coordinating body is funded. That said, an applicant can request funding to host a community event that informs residents about RPSA services.
  7. Question: Is there a minimum number of points applicant proposals must "score" in order to be considered/receive funding?
    Section E.2.b outlines the evaluation criteria.