Tips and Resources

  1. Tips for submitting grants
    1. Meet Requirements of the NOFO
    2. Focus on Goals and Objectives
    3. Focus on Project Design
  2. Acronyms and definitions

Tips for submitting grants

Meet Requirements of the NOFO

  • Ensure that your organization meets all eligibility requirements.
  • Read through the entire NOFO in detail. Identify the due date and outline a timeline for development of all sections of the application.
  • Use the narrative to respond to the required information, and place requested information in the sections as outlined in the NOFO. Answer all parts of every question. Remember, the application must speak for itself; if it's not in the application, the reviewer will not know it. Information must be in the appropriate section as outlined in the NOFO; otherwise, points may not be awarded. Ask a neutral party to review your grant application packet alongside the NOFO
  • The grant application packet must adhere to NOFO requirements including page limits. Check, check, and triple-check before submission.
  • All components of the NOFO must be submitted before the deadline. Assign appropriate staff to each component of the application and coordinate efforts. SUBMIT EARLY!
  • Attend the virtual Technical Assistance sessions if possible. Continue to monitor the Q&A document on your grant's web page as program staff typically add answers to questions as they are received.

Focus on Goals and Objectives

  • Address the goals and objectives of the funding opportunity.
  • Ensure that goals and objectives are supported by current and relevant data and research.
  • Goals and objectives must be clear, concrete, and measurable, and they must support the purpose of the program.

Focus on Project Design

  • The grant application packet must demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of the project.
  • Program design must address all required components of the NOFO.
  • Project design must be effective and efficient for the targeted population

Acronyms and definitions

Acronym/Term Definition
APO Agency Procurement Office
CAAF Contract/Agreement Approval Form
CAO Chief Accountability Office(r)
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CRV Central Repository Vault
CSA Community Services Agreement
CSFA Catalogue of State Financial Assistance
FAIN Federal Award Identification Number
FEIN Federal Employee Identification Number
FFY Federal Fiscal Year
FOIA Freedom of Information Act
FY Fiscal Year
GATA Grant Accountability and Transparency Act
GATU Grant Accountability Transparency Unit
GOMB Governor's Office of Management and Budget
ICQ Internal Controls Questionnaire
IOC Illinois Office of the Comptroller
MBR Merit Based Review
NOFO Notice of Funding Opportunity
NOSA Notice of State Award
PRA Programmatic Risk Assessment
Pre-Award Tasks the grantee must complete prior to receiving a grant
Pre-Qualification Tasks the grantee must complete prior to applying for a grant
Program Area/Office Work units within IDHS that administer grants/programs - i.e. housing, food, violence, children & youth services, etc.
SAM System for Award Management
SFY State Fiscal Year
SOS Secretary of State
TIN Tax Identification Number
UGA Uniform Grant Agreement
UIGA Uniform Intergovernmental Grant Agreement
UEI Unique Entity Identifier

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