CESSA - Region 4 Committee Meeting Approved Minutes 01/10/2023

Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) Region 4 Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes- Tuesday, January 10, 2023 - 10:00-11:30 via Zoom

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 02/21/2023

  • Welcome
    • Julie Brugger called the meeting to order at 10:01 am
  • Open Meetings Act
    • Julie Brugger read the instruction regarding the Illinois Open Meetings Act
    • Reminder about training completion by Members if not already completed
  • Call to Order/Introductions
    • Attendees:
      • Via Zoom: Julie Brugger, Jeff Shafer, Peter Eckart, Dana Rosenzweig, Amy Foster, Megan Black, Brittany Pinnon-Becker, Joe Harper, Steven Johnson, James Hengehold, Randy Randolph, Deborah Humphrey
      • Absent- Andrew Stein, Layla Simons, Timothy McClain, Dennis Perez, Dave Fellows, Cindy Wagner
  • Minutes approved from RAC 4 meeting on December 13, 2022
  • Introduction to System Partners and Roles
    • IDPH / EMS Systems- Dr. Jeff Shafer reiterated from the slides what the IDPH/EMS Systems are comprised of and the jobs they do. With CESSA, he explained that once better data is obtained, decisions will be made as a region in the implementation of these protocols, then submitted to EMS and then finally Greg Atteberry, the Regional EMS Coordinator.
    • DHS / Mental Health- Julie Brugger touched upon new Behavioral Health Crisis Continuum slides.
    • ISP / Public Service Answering Points (PSAPs) Peter Eckart touched base on slide information
  • State Updates
    • Updates provided by Peter Eckert, UIC Behavioral Health Crisis Hub
  • Organizing Committee to Complete the Work
    • Julie Brugger sought feedback from members on the best ways to organize this work for better communications between 911, 988 and Crisis Response teams; which calls should be made by whom, by regions and community members?
    • Deborah Humphrey suggested possibly breaking this task into smaller groups. Possibly PATH to be engaged, having expertise in that area.
    • Steven Johnson recommended that a protocol for how call is implemented from the start, cannot be lengthy in information in reaching the correct decision to be made.
    • Julie Brugger offered that she was aware that there are states that have implemented a bullet point type of list with success.
  • Next Meeting Date- February 14, 2023; 10:00-11:30 am. Subsequent meetings will be held at 10:00 am on the second Tuesday of each month and are scheduled through June 2023.
  • Public Comment
    • The floor was opened for public comment and there were none brought forth.
  • Adjournment
    • Julie Brugger made motion to dismiss, Deborah Humphrey made first motion, Steven Johnson seconded. Meeting dismissed at 11:22 am