IMHPAC: Development Committee Minutes August 25, 2022


Meeting of the Development Committee, Thursday August 25, 2022, 3:00 PM

  1. Call to Order: The WebEx Meeting was called to order by Co-Chair Ron Melka at 3:03 pm. In attendance were Committee Members Ron Melka, Nanette Larson, Ray Connor, and DMH staff Irwin Kerzner. A quorum was present. Courtney Aidich of DMH was also on the call to ensure the WebEx link continued to work, but did not participate.
  2. Approval of Agenda: Nanette moved, and Ray seconded the agenda be approved as presented. All were in favor. Passed.
  3. Approval of the July 7, 2022, minutes: Nanette moved, and Ray seconded that the minutes be approved. All were in favor. Passed.
  4. Resignations: Irwin reported that John Fallen has notified us that he is resigning from his position on the Council.
  5. Candidates for new and returning membership slate at Fall Meeting: Ron notified the council that we need nominees to build a slate for our fall meeting in November. We currently have 4 members whose terms are up, and will be asked if they wish to be re-slated for an additional 3-year term. Irwin will be sending a revised request for nominees to the membership so the Development Committee can review them at our October meeting and bring a slate to the full Council in November.
  6. Candidates for vacant Consumer Co-Chair: Lee Ann Reinert had distributed a survey to all Council members and three members had volunteered to be considered. After considering all applicants Nanette moved that Ray Connor be slated as Consumer Co-Chair, Ron seconded. This nomination was based on Ray's long experience on the council, his position as former chair of the Children and Adolescent Committee, and experience as parent of two adult children with SMI. Motion passed with Ray abstaining.
  7. Member Surveys: Irwin reported on the result of the Demographic survey that was sent to all members last year. 43 members responded. Some areas that Irwin highlighted were: we have an older population on our council with 35 of 43 respondents (81.4%) over the age of 45; 18% of responding members reported being African American, which matches Illinois Statewide percentages. We have 28% of respondents having completed or gone beyond the doctoral level (MD or PH.D). Eighty-six percent of respondents attended college and 47% completed their Master's Degree. This is much higher than the overall population and service population. Most of the respondents (67%) reported being married.
    • Given the request above for nominees for our fall slate, Ron asked that when recommending candidates, we encourage our members to ask individuals from a broader range of experiences so as to be as reflective of our population as we can.
  8. Public Comment: None.
  9. Adjournment: Ray moved; Nanette seconded. All were in favor. Adjourned at 3:27.