IMHPAC C&A Minutes 12/16/22
Members-Michelle Churchey-Mims, Chris O'Hara, Ray Connor, Michael Davis, Amy Starin, Emily LeFew
Public- DeeAnn Ryan, Susan Scherer, Deslynne Roberts
DMH staff-Lisa Betz, Courtney Aidich
- Attendance, call to order-12:32
- Review and approval of minutes -Approved-Amy first, Ray second, unanimous.
- Overview of committee goals, mission & time frames Raise up children's issues and advise DMH and IMHPAC committee.
- New Business-no new business
- Old Business/Updates
- Reminder to complete annual trainings
- Ray to raise asking Dana Weiner to participate in IMHPAC March meeting to review CMH plan
- Updates to NB Stakeholder group-requesting more participation from HFS in IMHPAC meetings as they are the primary funder of CMH services.
- Vote on previously proposed measures- none
- Review of next steps- Approved message to be sent to recruit new committee members to be sent to larger IMHPAC committee.
- Public comments-
- The committee meets virtually on the third Friday of each month at 12:30-1:30 p.m. All are welcome. Next meeting 1/20/23