CESSA - Region 1 Committee Meeting Approved Minutes 01/05/2023

Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) Region 1 Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes- Thursday, 01/05/2023 - 2:00-3:00 PM

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 02/02/2023

  • Open Meetings Act
    • These meetings will be subject to Open Meetings Act.
    • A copy of the agendas and meeting minutes will be posted to the Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Mental Health Open Meetings Page.
  • Call to Order/Introductions
    • Meeting called to order at 2:00pm by Dr. Erin Rigert.
    • Previous Meeting minutes approved by Matt Smetana, seconded by David Lohse.
    • Attendees:
      • Via web-based Teams: Patrick Phelan, Erin Rigert, Matt Smetana, Joan Lodge, Josh Lewis, Christopher Scroll, David Lohse, Danielle Angileri, Deanna Cada, Heather Butler, Jason Holcomb, Jason Leverton, Collette Mickelson, Synthia Jones, Matthew Fishback, Brenda Hampton, Lyn Akers.
      • Absent-
  • Roll Call and Introductions: Committee members provided a brief introduction and discussed their roles as they relate to CESSA.
  • Membership Recruitment
    • There is still one advocator position left to be filled. Members are encouraged to contact the committee chairs if they have individuals to refer to this position.
  • Region 1 Committee Charter Approval
    • Motion to approve charter from the last meeting was approved by Jason Holcomb. Motion seconded by Joan Lodge.
  • Region 1 Protocol Discussion: Discussion of roles
    • Dr Erin Rigert discussed:
      • Illinois Department of Public Health.
        • DPH is organized into 12 offices. Each office addresses a distinct area of public health, supporting numerous ongoing programs.
        • The office of Preparedness and Response/Division of EMS and Highway Safety are currently responsible for all overseeing the implantation of all aspects of the Emergency Medical Service System Act.
      • 210 ILCS 50/EMS Systems Act
      • EMS Regions map
      • 210 ILCS 50/ EMS providing hospital resources.
      • Roles and protocols of the EMS Medical Director.
      • The New Behavioral Health Crisis Continuum.
      • Responding with Mobile Crisis Teams, there are 83 Mobile Crisis Care Teams from 66Community Providers.
      • Currently the state has 180 PSAPs operating that are County, municipal or intergovernmental cooperatives that serve more than one County or municipality.
    • Heather Butler discussed the different roles, requirements, and mapped areas of PSAPs in Region 1.
  • Questions and Answers
    • Patrick Phelan discussed a plan for anyone in crisis, will come to crisis in person if needed.
    • Joan Lodge loves the vision of the whole behavioral response. Joan discussed that Rosecrance has an option crisis residence stay access for medical and psychiatric groups. The Living Room program is welcome to all that would like to stop in anywhere from 90 minutes to two hours long.
    • Patrick Phelan discussed that Sinnissippi also has a Living Room for the community.
    • Josh Leverton asked if there will be other places to take people in crisis if it is a situation where an individual has drug and alcohol in their system, a place individuals can wait to become sober at.
    • Joan Lodge discussed that a warm handoff and communicating is much easier than staying with an individual in an emergency room. Caution must be taken with withdrawal management. There is screening done. If individual is at a low level of alcohol use, Rosecrance has a triage center that individuals can stay for up to 23 hours.
    • David Lohse asked if CESSA has training started for dispatchers.
    • Heather Butler let the committee know that dispatchers for CESSA have not started any training yet but hopes to have training done by July 1st deadline.
  • State Updates
    • Brenda Hampton discussed the State Updates with the committee.
    • Brenda Hampton is involved with helping 998, 590, and CESSA Implementation one, two, three, and seven. An enormous amount of work must be completed before the July 1st deadline.
    • Brenda will take back to the State all the imperfections in the map for PSAPs.
    • Brenda discussed the Sprint to July 1, 2023: Example (Sprint for Data Collection Plan)
  • Public Comment: Jason Leverton asked if the committee will still be having virtual meetings moving forward.
    • Brenda Hampton let the committee know that there will be no changes with the virtual meetings until the spring. In the spring the committee will more than likely be moving to meetings in person.
  • Next Meeting: Thursday 2/2/2023 at 2:00pm. Subsequent meetings will be held at 2:00pm on the first Thursday of each month and are scheduled through June 2023.
  • Dismissal: Meeting was adjourned at 2:05pm.