FY24 IDHS Budget Presentation

IDHS: Illinois Department of Human Services


  • All people in Illinois achieve their full potential.


  • Human dignity
  • Equity
  • Community informed
  • Urgency
  • Transparency
  • Kindness


  • Family and Community Services
  • Developmental Disabilities
  • Mental Health
  • Rehabilitation Services
  • Substance Use Prevention & Recovery
  • Early Childhood

IDHS Agency Goals

  • Maximize opportunities for all people to work
  • Ensure hungry people and families have access to nutritious food
  • Provide places for people to call home
  • Promote the health and well-being of individuals and communities
  • Help communities create safe neighborhoods and spaces

Meet Michael

  • Michael was born with arthrogryposis, an orthopedic impairment impacting his joints and requiring full time use of a wheelchair.  Michael has been a customer of the Division of Rehabilitation since 2015. He received pre-employment transition services through the Vocational Rehabilitation program while attending high school.
  • After high school, Michael attended Illinois Center for Rehabilitation and Education- Roosevelt (ICRE-R). While at ICRE-R, Michael received training in independent living and vocational skills. While Michael was in the ICRE-R transition program, he gained essential skills necessary for daily living. He now successfully lives in his own apartment with support through the Home Services Program. 
  • The Vocational Rehabilitation Program further assisted Michael in attending college where he graduated with honors with a bachelor's degree in criminal justice. Michael recently completed the Law School Admission Test and aspires to attend law school where he plans on enrolling in a criminal litigation program and pursuing a career as a practicing attorney. 
  • Michael has maintained his relationship with the ICRE-R by participating as a mentor in their One Summer Chicago program. He speaks with a sense of realism that resonates with the students and helps put in perspective what life after the program may be like for those who aspire to live independently.

Meet Miss Shari

  • Shari is an infant teacher at Joliet Early Learning Center. She has been a member of the One Hope United early learning center as an infant teacher since 2019 and is lovingly referred to as "Ms. Baby Shari."
  • The partnership that Shari has developed with families in the community has been invaluable, with one family quoted as saying, "She is like a second set of parents."
  • The center predominantly serves CCAP eligible families (60% of the population), and so the Strengthen and Grow Child Care grant program, which requires that half of Strengthen and Grow funds be invested in the workforce, directly supported staff like Ms. Shari through staff bonuses and recruitment of new early childhood teachers.

FY23 Key Accomplishments

  • Welcomed asylum-seekers, provided immediate shelter and support to meet basic needs, including case management.
  • Office of Firearm Violence Prevention made 117 grants through 14 NOFOs, with the aim to expand to 200+ grantees by January 1, 2023.
  • PUNS placements of 700 adults and 100 children into community services in FY23
  • Launched the IL Opioid Remediation Advisory Board in partnership with the Attorney General.
  • Disbursed $329+ million in federal child care relief funds to provider and workers across the state.
  • Implemented 988, the new, nationwide suicide prevention and mental health crisis line.

IDHS FY 24 Budget Highlights

Total proposed budget of $13.5 Billion

  • an increase of 12% over FY23 estimated spending

Continued Commitment to Olmstead Consent Decrees

IDHS serves as the lead agency for three Olmstead-related Consent Decrees.  The State of Illinois has made and will continue to have a strong commitment  to achieving compliance

  • Ligas - the proposed budget supports investing a total of $145.8M, $53.1M to support a 1/1/24 implementation of $1.50/hour rate increase for direct support personnel and $10.0M for regionalization factor to Day Service rates; exceeding the proposed Guidehouse implementation plan for FY 24.  The budget request also includes $82.7M to support an additional 700 adult placements from PUNS in FY24 and annualization of the FY23 PUNS placements, wage increases and implementation of the CILA rate calculator.
  • Williams & Colbert - proposed budget continuing to provide ongoing resources for transitions and increase investment in expanding the SOAR program and Front Door Diversion program

Early Childhood - Smart Start Illinois Investments

The FY24 budget request continues to move the State towards the Governor's  Funding Commission recommendations and Governor Pritzker's vision of making Illinois the best state in the country to raise young children.

  • FY24 Budget request includes $175M in new GRF foundational funding
    • $20.0M to support a 10% rate increase for Early Intervention Providers
    • $5.0M to expand the IDHS-DEC Home Visiting Program
    • $130.0M for Smart Start Workforce Compensation Contracts
    • $20.M for upgrades to the Child Care Management System
  • In addition to the new $175M GRF, the FY24 budget includes the following in ARPA funds - $66.0M to support additional Child Care Workforce Compensation Contracts, $10.0M for the continuation of the ExceleRate child care center pilot, $2.0M for a new early childhood apprentice program, and $10.0M for the Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity (ECACE) early childhood workforce scholarships.

TANF Benefit Increase

  • As part of the efforts to of the Commission on Poverty Elimination and Economic, the Governor's proposed budget includes a $30.0M investment to raise the TANF benefit from 30% of the FPL to 40% of FPL.  This is effort moves the state closer to reducing deep poverty, individuals with 50% FPL or less. 
  • The impact from this proposed change on a single parent family is estimated at $112 a month, or $1,344 annually

Transgender, Gender Non-conforming and Non-Binary Wellness Grants

  • The budget request includes $3.0M for a transgender, gender non-conforming, and Non-Binary (TGNB) Wellness and Equity Program focused on coordinating inclusive health, wellness, employment, housing supports, education, and other services to enable individuals that identify as transgender, gender non-conforming, Non-Binary, lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and queer individuals to thrive. 

IDHS FY 24 Budget Comparison

Funding Source Proposed FY24 $s in thousands FY23 Estimate Spending  $s in thousands Change from FY23 $s in thousands Change from FY23 (%)
GRF $6,343,935.00 $5,611,634.40 $732,300.50 13.10%
Other State $2,214,621.70 $1,642,839.60 $687,296.20 40.00%
Federal $4,876,122.30 $4,790,106.70 $55,491.30 1.80%
TOTAL $13,434,679 $12,044,580.70 $1,465,158.00 12.30%

FY24 Goals and Objectives

GOAL: Building on positive momentum for the agency and its community partners to provide safe, efficient, and equitable services

  • Protecting health and safety of residents/patients/staff
  • Making progress addressing "grand challenges": poverty, hunger, violence, welcoming immigrants, and homelessness
  • Continuing to maintain significant reductions in inherited backlogs (HSP, Medicaid, SNAP) and improving application review times
  • Making Illinois the Best State to Raise Children
  • Accelerating progress on Ligas, Williams, and Colbert consent decrees
  • Applying an equity lens to processes, programs, and people across IDHS

Division of Substance Use Prevention & Recovery (SUPR)


  • Enhancing mobile approaches, telehealth, and outreach capacity to ensure access to treatment and recovery support for residents in underserved populations.
  • Expanding Access to Medication Assisted Recovery Statewide
  • Increasing State-Level Deflection and Pre-Arrest Diversion Initiatives by 10%
  • Expanding gambling disorder services to reach 10% more individuals across the state through prevention, intervention for those at risk, treatment for those with gambling disorder, and support for those in recovery. 

Division of Substance Use Prevention & Recovery (SUPR)

FY 24 Budget Proposed Highlights

  • The SUPR budget includes additional appropriation authority to expend the Cannabis Tax revenues.  Some of the efforts supported by these funds include investment in workforce training, mobile treatment services and collaboration with the Illinois State Police on a diversion project. 
  • The FY24 budget includes authority to continue to expend the Opioid Settlement funds for opioid abatement programs.

Budget by Year ($ Millions)

GRF Fed Other State
FY 21 $182.2M $53.3 $104.7 $24.2
FY 22 $220.9M $54.5 $133.3 $33.1
FY 23 (Est) $610.1M $130.1 $249.8 $230.2
FY 24 (Req) $620.3M $130.1 $245.0 $245.2

Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD)


  • Investing in our community-based system to create supports that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) want and need
  • Continuing to reduce time waiting on the PUNS for individuals with I/DD
  • Supporting more individuals to find and maintain competitive integrated employment
  • Increasing stabilization services to assist individual in maintaining community placement
  • Accelerating progress on addressing the Ligas Consent Decree

Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD)

FY 24 Proposed Budget Highlights

  • $53.1M to support mid-year implementation of a $1.50 an hour wage increase for DSPs
  • $56.7M to fund the annualization of the FY 23 wage increases, CILA rate calculator changes, and liability changes
  • $53.6M to support 700 new adult PUNS placements and an 8.9% increase in the Home-Based program liability 
  • Proposed budget allows for 500 new children PUNS selections to receive home based services
  • $10M for applying regionalization to the Community Day Services rates effective 1/1/24

Budget by Year ($ Millions)

GRF Fed Other State
FY 21 $1,847.0M $1,677.5 $66.1 $103.4
FY 22 $1,932.9M $1,847.9 $36.0 $49.0
FY 23 (Est) $2,379.7M $2,138.1 $90 $151.6
FY 23 (Req) $2,588.8M $2,346.7 $90.5 $151.6

Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS)


  • Investing in, building, and promoting independent living through employment, training, and education.
  • Fostering self-determination and control for individuals who wish to remain in their homes.
  • Building, reinforcing, and maximizing services provided through the Vocational Rehabilitation Program.

Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS)

FY 24 Proposed Budget Highlights

  • The FY24 proposed funding for the Home Services Program includes an additional $40.8M to support caseload growth and utilization costs, as well as 900 projected net new customers. Also includes funding to support costs associated with the Paid Leave for All Workers Act.
  • Additional funding supports from the federal American Rescue Plan act in the Home Services Program to increase provider capacity statewide.
  • Includes a $3M expansion of state match necessary for Illinois to expend increase in the Federal Vocational Rehabilitation program grant funding.

Budget by Year ($ Millions)

GRF Fed Other State
FY 21 $1,052.8M $627.3 $185.3 $2240.2
FY 22 $1,142.1M $698.6 $185.5 $258.0
FY 23 (Est Exp) $1,415.1M $839.7 $312.5 $262.9
FY 22 (Req) $1,489.4M $884.3 $342.2 $262.90

Division of Family and Community Services (DFCS)


  • Continuing to improve customer service and reduce application backlogs for Medicaid and SNAP with new call center, E-training for staff, and our new IVR phone system
  • Expanding our reach in disproportionately impacted communities by engaging trusted messengers to provide outreach and education
  • Expanding and revamping existing programs to fight poverty in Illinois, including seeking additional food support for school-based nutrition relief
  • Continuing the state's effort to make Illinois a more welcoming state

Division of Family and Community Services (DFCS)

FY 24 Proposed Budget Highlights

  • Budget reflects $30M to support an increase in the TANF benefit from 30% of FPL to 40%.
  • $200.3M for Home Illinois, including new GRF investment of $85.3M over base funds to prevent and end homelessness.
  • The FY24 proposed budget includes a $10M investment in CCBYS emergency housing services
  • $2.0M in new GRF to support launch of State Food Purchasing Program

Budget by Year ($ Millions)

GRF Fed Other State
FY 21 $1,495.1M $755.9 $688.7 $50.5
FY 22 $1,236.7M $774.2 $439.1 $23.4
FY 23 (Est Exp) $2,144.3M $1,015.7 $809.5 $319.1
FY 24 (Req) $2,533.3M $1,170.1 $1,044.1 $319.1

Division of Early Childhood


  • Stabilizing, strengthening, and expanding the state's existing child care, home visiting, and early intervention programming and information technologies
  • Growing internal and external operational and administrative capacity to establish the sustainable infrastructure needed to streamline services
  • Creating and implementing overarching early childhood education and care goals and objectives focused on equitable service delivery that meets families' needs
  • Developing and testing cohesive, consistent, and integrated approaches to improve early childhood education and care service delivery and quality 

Division of Early Childhood

FY 24 Proposed Budget Highlights

  • $20.0M to support Early Intervention caseload growth and additional $20.0M for 10% rate increase
  • Budget continues investment in Child Care System
  • $50M to support Child Care Assistance program liability growth
  • $130.M GRF for Smart Start Workforce Compensation Contracts
  • $20.0M for upgrades to the Child Care Management system
  • Budget reflects $5.0M expansion of the Home Visiting program
  • Budget also includes appropriation authority to continue federal investment ExceleRate child care center pilot, Strengthen & Grow Child Care grants, and early childhood apprentice program and scholarships

Budget by Year ($ Millions)

GRF Fed Other State
FY 21 $806.1M $419.2 $248.3 $138.6
FY 22 $1,989.1M $345.1 $1,484.4 $159.6
FY 23 (Est Exp) $3,763.8M $537.8 $3,026.0 $200.0
FY 24 (Req) $3,738.9M $792.9 $2,726.0 $220.0

Division of Mental Health (DMH)


  • Continue to build the Crisis Care Continuum supporting 988 
    • Expand 9-8-8 call, text and chat capacity 
    • Increase emergency room alternatives for behavioral health crisis assessment and stabilization
  • Support compliance with the Colbert and Williams Consent Decrees
    • Expand housing capacity for new transitions and diversions
    • Build capacity to link individuals to disability benefits
  • Addressing the effects of gun violence on families and communities
    • Provide mental health support shortly after the event and ongoing support for individuals as needed 

Division of Mental Health (DMH)

FY 24 Proposed Budget Highlights

  • The budget continues to provide funding to support compliance with the Williams and Colbert consent decrees.  In the proposed budget, $4.5M new GRF is included to support housing cost for new transitions. 
  • $4.0M is included to expand the Front Door Diversion program and an additional $2.0M for the SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access and Recovery program.
  • The budget proposed supports the statewide 9-8-8 suicide prevention number and mental health crisis system.

Budget by Year ($ Millions)

GRF Fed Other State
FY 21 $570.4M $473.0 $29.1 $68.3
FY 22 $583.9M $506.2 $40.4 $37.3
FY 23 (Est Exp) $855.4M $639.8 $99.3 $116.3
FY 24 (Req) $893.1M $687.6 $99.2 $106.3

Illinois Office to Prevent and End Homelessness

Home Illinois: A Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness

  • Change the narrative on the root causes of homelessness
  • Realize the vision of the Executive Order through a transformational initiative to be implemented over four years
  • Convene local jurisdictions, health systems and private funders to meet goals of ending homelessness
  • Lead a successful state-led approach to end homelessness, setting an example for interior states

The Continuum of Home Illinois Interventions

  • Individuals experiencing/at risk of experiencing homelessness need a variety of interventions at different intensities and stages in the process
  • The following list is from Smallest service population; late-stage intervention; most resource intensive to Largest service population; earliest preventative intervention; least resource intensive
    • Permanent Supportive Housing
    • Rapid Rehousing
    • Affordable Housing
    • Shelter
    • Street Outreach
    • Shelter Diversion
    • Homeless Prevention

Home Illinois: Preventing & Ending Homelessness in Illinois

Racial Equity

  • Build Affordable and Permanent Supportive Housing
  • Bolster Safety Net
  • Secure Financial Stability
  • Close Mortality Gap
  • $350 million in key investments for services and supports to prevent and end homelessness in Illinois, inclusive of:
    • $26 million to provide homelessness prevention services to 5,000 more families.
    • $30 million to maintain court-based rental assistance.
    • More than $155 million to support unhoused populations seeking shelter and services
    • $25 million in Rapid ReHousing services to 1,000 households, including short-term rental assistance and targeted support services for households for up to two years.
    • Permanent Supportive Housing Capital of $40 million for development of more than 90 new permanent supportive housing units providing households with long term rental assistance, case management, and supportive services.
    • $12.5 million to create 500 new scattered site permanent supportive housing units.
    • Emergency Shelter Capital of $37 million to create more than 460 non-congregate shelter units.
    • More than $30 million to provide street outreach, medical respite, re-entry services, access to counsel and other shelter diversion supports.

Home Illinois: $125M in New Funding & Programs

New General Revenue Fund

  • $62M increase to shelter and services
  • $12.5M for new scattered site permanent supportive housing program
  • $6M for homeless prevention
  • $2.5M for new shelter diversion program
  • $2.0M for services to support people living in Statewide Referral Network units

Leveraging Existing Funding for New Programs

  • $25M for Rapid ReHousing Program
  • $5M for a workforce development pilot to support unhoused job seekers attain & maintain employment
  • $4M for a street outreach program
  • $2.5M to support medical respite programs
  • $2.5M for a re-entry housing subsidy program
  • $1M increase to shelter and services