FY24 Change by Program - GRF

Row Labels CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request % Change from Est.
Blind Rehabilitation Services $1,504.2 $0.0 $1,504.2 $17.2 $1,521.4 1.1%
Centers for Independent Living $6,358.9 $0.0 $6,358.9 $0.0 $6,358.9 0.0%
Central Support & Clinical $26,208.9 $0.0 $26,208.9 $1,967.2 $28,176.1 7.5%
Children's Residential & Education Services $37,054.7 $0.0 $37,054.7 $817.8 $37,872.5 2.2%
Developmental Disability Grants $1,791,011.8 ($1,000.0) $1,790,011.8 $172,900.0 $1,962,911.8 9.7%
Developmental Disability Operations $348,072.5 $0.0 $348,072.5 $35,745.4 $383,817.9 10.3%
DHS Operations & Grants $21,090.0 $0.0 $21,090.0 ($1,500.0) $19,590.0 -7.1%
Early Childhood Grants $544,417.2 ($10,000.0) $534,417.2 $255,000.0 $789,417.2 47.7%
Early Childhood Operations $3,545.8 $0.0 $3,545.8 ($67.5) $3,478.3 -1.9%
Family & Community Services Grants $607,082.7 ($3,859.1) $603,223.6 $146,198.2 $749,421.8 24.2%
Family & Community Services Operations $412,458.3 $0.0 $412,458.3 $8,204.5 $420,662.8 2.0%
Home Services Program $783,289.4 $0.0 $783,289.4 $40,669.9 $823,959.3 5.2%
Inspector General $9,987.2 $0.0 $9,987.2 $347.7 $10,334.9 3.5%
Intergovernmental Support Services $165,917.6 $0.0 $165,917.6 $6,125.0 $172,042.6 3.7%
Legislative Initiatives for DHS $78,465.0 ($46,520.7) $31,944.3 $14,576.3 $46,520.7 45.6%
Mental Health Grants $309,496.5 ($2,000.0) $307,496.5 $4,200.0 $311,696.5 1.4%
Mental Health Operations $293,465.9 ($10,000.0) $283,465.9 $41,429.6 $324,895.5 14.6%
Program and Administrative Support $55,148.3 $0.0 $55,148.3 $502.6 $55,650.9 0.9%
Sexually Violent Persons Program $48,845.1 $0.0 $48,845.1 $2,136.4 $50,981.5 4.4%
Substance Use Prevention and Recovery $130,053.3 $0.0 $130,053.3 $30.2 $130,083.5 0.0%
Vocational Rehab Services $11,540.9 $0.0 $11,540.9 $3,000.0 $14,540.9 26.0%
$5,685,014.2 ($73,379.8) $5,611,634.4 $732,300.5 $6,343,935.0 13.0%