FY24 GRF Walk-Up

Category Amount (thousands)
GRF FY23 Enacted Appropriations
Developmental Disabilities
Ligas Annualization of FY23 Placements $12,000.0
Ligas FY24 Placements - Supports 700 placements $14,000.0
Annualization of FY23 Implementation of CILA Rate Calculator & FY23 $1.00/hr DSP Wage Increase $56,700.0
Home and Community Based Waiver SSI increase of 8.9% $27,600.0
$1.50/hr DSP Wage Increase - effective 1/1/24 $53,100.0
Implementation of Regionalization on Community Day Services - effective 1/1/24 $10,000.0
State Operated Developmental Center Inflation $1,500.0
State Operated Developmental Center Staffing $19,300.0
Family & Community Services
TANF Caseload and Benefit Increase $20,000.0
Increase TANF Benefit from 30% of FPL to 40% of FPL $30,000.0
Home Illinois - Preventing and Ending Homelessness $85,300.0
Comprehensive Community Based Youth Services - Emergency Housing Services $10,000.0
State Food Purchasing Program $2,000.0
Early Childhood
Early Intervention - Estimated caseload growth 3,000 $20,000.0
Early Intervention - 10% Rate Increase $20,000.0
Home Visiting Expansion $5,000.0
Child Care Assistance Program Liability Growth $50,000.0
Child Care Workforce Compensation Contracts $130,000.0
Child Care Management System (CCMS) Upgrades $20,000.0
Mental Health
Williams Consent Decree New Transition Housing - 425 transitions $2,000.0
Colbert Consent Decree New Transition Housing - 467 transitions $2,500.0
Expansion of SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) Program $2,000.0
Expansion of Front Door Diversion Program $4,000.0
Annualization of the FY23 2% COLA effective 1/1/23 $1,700.0
State Operated Psychiatric Hospital Inflation $1,000.0
State Operated Psychiatric Hospitals Operations $22,000.0
Rehabilitation Services
Home Services FY23 Annualization and FY24 Caseload Growth $40,800.0
Additional State Match for Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Grant Increase $3,000.0
DHS Operations
Annualization of AFSCME FY23 Steps & FY24 Steps $33,000.0
DHS Operations Inflation $400.0
Child & Adolescent Care Portal Development $1,500.0
Transgender, Gender Non-conforming and Intersex Wellness Grant Program $3,000.0
Treatment & Detention Facility New Unit - 4 pods for 168 beds $1,800.0
Temporary Staff for DHS Bureau of Licensure & Compliance $1,500.0
Temporary Staff for Fire Marshall Surveys $326.0
Discontinuation of FY23 One-time Transfers , Legislative Add-ons and Reappropriations -$54,405.2
Office of Inspector General - PC Refresh & Database Development $300.0
IES Support Costs $6,000.0
Department of Human Services General Revenue Fund Governor's Proposed $6,343,935.0