HCBS Settings Rule Compliance Countdown: 44 Days
HCBS Settings Validation Update: We are almost there!
With the community's help, DDD has almost completed the initial validation/compliance processes as required by the HCBS Settings Rules. All policy compliance action plans (CAPs) are completed and reviewed. 1,245 site CAPS have been completed, and DDD staff are working to perform quality assurance on at least one of each site type by all providers who received a CAP before the March deadline. DDD staff will continue to perform QA activities after March 17 to round out the ongoing compliance activities through BQM and BALC.
HCBS Settings Office Hours - February 14, 10 am
HCBS Settings office hours are held the second Tuesday of each month through March at 10 am. The next meeting will be February 14 at 10 am. After March, we will likely move to quarterly meetings. Like recent office hours, we will start at 10 am and stay on as long as there are questions, concerns or clarifications. Enter the meeting using this link:
HCBS Settings Rule Beneficiary Complaint Process
DDD is now offering a webform, a phone number and email address for people who are concerned about individual issues with a site or service related to the HCBS settings rule. Fill out the IDHS: DHS DD Services Complaints (state.il.us) form, call 877-657-0005 or email DHS.HCBScomplaints@illinois.gov and a DDD staff person will reach out within 72 hours to understand the issues and connect with stakeholders to problem solve solutions.
If you have a general complaint about DDD services, please follow the process laid out on the DDD website by contacting Janet Rolling at janet.rolling@illinois.gov.
Person Centered Practices
New Tool - Here is a document that tracks the 11 categories of the HCBS Settings Rule, with plain language explanations and where to expect the categories to appear in the person centered planning templates.
Check Out This Webinar - Using NCAPPS Resources to Support Compliance with the HCBS Final Rule Requirements for Person-Centered Planning
A recording of the NCAPPS webinar is available online:
The slides can be downloaded here: Resources to Support Compliance
Another Great Tool - Check out the Person-Centered Practices Self-Assessment (acl.gov)!
Resharing: Tools/Trainings for People Receiving Services, Guardians and DSPs about the HCBS Settings Rule
Guardian Webinar - 'Guardianship and Rights of Individuals Receiving HCBS Services,' presented by Stacey Aschemann and Cristina Headley from Equip For Equality. You can now view the webinar recording from the presentation.
Fact Sheet - Following up from a training on Guardianship and the HCBS Settings Rule webinar, Equip for Equality, has produced a new 1-page guide Rights of People Who Have Guardians in Illinois and Get Medicaid Community Services that is now available for you to download and use.
HCBS Settings Webinar Recordings
- Check out the ICDD and CQL webinar on the settings rule for people receiving services.
- Check out the ICDD and CQL webinar on the settings rule for DSPs.
Interactive Guides
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