CESSA - Region 7 Committee Meeting Approved Minutes 12/22/2022

Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) Region 7 Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes -  December 22, 2022 - 2:00-3:30 via Zoom

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 01/19/2023

  • Welcome & Call to Order- CESSA Region 7 "Initial Kickoff Meeting"
    • Dr. Sharronne Ward (Co-Chairperson) called the meeting to order at 11:05am
    • Roll Call
      • Attendees: Katherine Darr, Jennifer Brothers, Sarah White, Bonnie Hassan, Anthony Marzano, Joseph Troiani, Macr Maton, Renee Donaldson, Whitney Bunts, Marianne Bithos, Leodis Scott, Leanne Mul, David Jacobson, Kristi De Laurentis
      • Absent - Douglas Jones, Mitchell Davis, Kevin Bernard, David Jacobson
  • Open Meetings Act
    • Dr. Darr clarified that this committee meeting is subject to the Illinois Open Meetings Act and will follow guidelines set forth in the Open Meeting Act statute.
    • All members are required to complete the Open Meetings Act training (link provided).
  • Member Introductions 
    • Jennifer Brothers, 708/ Government Entity Representative
    • Kristi DeLaurentiis, 708/ Government Entity Representative 
    • Dr. Leodis Scott, Advocate 
    • Marianne Bithos, Advocate
    • Whitney Bunts, Advocate
    • Renee Donaldson, EMS Provider Representative
    • Joseph E. Troiani, Mental/Behavioral Health Provider Representative
    • Bonnie Hassan, Mental/Behavioral Health Provider Representative
    • Anthony E. Marzano, 911 PSAP Representative
    • Sarah White, 911 PSAP Representative
  • CESSA "Initial Kickoff" RAC Slide Presentation
    • Dr. Katherine Darr provided information to the committee regarding CESSA Legislation including the continuum, current crisis responses system.
    • Dr. Katherine Darr provided information to the committee regarding CESSA structure and charge of the Advisory Committees including the continuum of police and community response and the makeup of the coordinated agencies for community response.
  • CESSA Structure
    • Statewide Advisory Committee
    • Regional Advisory Committee Roles and Responsibilities
      • Charged to assist with the execution of CESSA legislation; will make recommendations on CESSA protocols in 2023.
      • The mission and committee membership makeup of the Regional Advisory Committees (RAC) was reviewed and defined.
    • RAC Charter 
      • Dr. Darr introduced and provided a brief overview of the CESSA Charter and deliverables for the RAC to discuss at January's meeting. It was decided that members would have the opportunity to review further prior to ratification and decision relative to sub-committee composition as follows:
        • Technology, Systems Integration and Data Management,
        • Training and Education ? Communication and Public Messaging
        • Protocol and Standards
      • Further discussion included the decision for members to receive additional information for review and discussion prior to entertaining a vote for ratification and expressed interest in sub-committee assignments. Ratification of the Proposed Charter for the Regional Advisory Committee will occur at the next meeting.
  • State Update
    • None
  • Questions and Answers
    • Dr. Darr posed opportunity for members to ask questions or prompt member discussion:
  • Dr. Darr and Dr. Ward addressed the geographical area of operations for region 7 and the integration of police response, EMS via 911 and 9-8-8 network. Questions about the July 1, 2023, extension was also addressed. There was clarification regarding 590 and Living Room Services.
  • Public Comment
    • The floor was opened for public comment
  • Next meeting There was discussion relative to scheduled meeting dates and times. It was decided that a poll would be forwarded, and the best time selected based upon responses and availability. *
  • Adjournment
    • Joe Troiani made a motion to dismiss, and Renee Donaldson seconded, all in favor, meeting dismissed at 11:49 PM