CILA Rate Calculator Communication 1.27.2023

Dear CILA provider agencies:

Ahead of Community-Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) agencies submitting their January 2023 billing with the updated rates, the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) reviewed all components of the new rates to ensure their accuracy. In the process of reviewing them specific to the CILA rate calculator, the DDD realized an error in the calculation of the rates. The error means the rate summaries sent out in late December reflect incorrect rates. The DDD will be sending out updated rate summaries to CILA agencies. The DDD hopes to have those in the mail within the next week.

Additionally, the DDD has received several questions related to the wages and the Direct Support Professional (DSP) staffing tables. Please be aware, per the Guidehouse Rate Study, there are likely to be differences in the funded DSP hours when the Guidehouse Staffing Tables, Assessment Framework and Reimbursement Levels are implemented. The DDD is in the process of finalizing guidance specific to the Guidehouse Staffing Tables. The DDD will also be hosting a webinar to explain all components of the CILA rate calculator and its impact on rates, which will include an in-depth explanation and demonstration of the new Staffing Tables, Assessment Framework and Reimbursement Levels. Webinar details are below:

Date: Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Registration Link:

The DDD is anticipating being in receipt of updated electronic Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) and Health Care Level (HCL) score information from IntellectAbility next week. In order to calculate the new CILA rates, the DDD has been running updated estimates using the currently on-file HCL scores.

Going forward, the DDD will be periodically (July and January) pulling electronic HRST and HCL information from IntellectAbility. It will be important for providers to keep individual HRST information current with IntellectAbility. Pulling future HRST and HCL information from IntellectAbility will ensure the most accurate and up-to-date information for each individual. For more information regarding the HRST, please reference the Information Bulletin, Guidance on the Health Risk Screening Tool.

Per the information provided in the tables below, many provider agencies have either not completed the HRST and/or not updated the HRST in some time with the DDD. If your provider agency serves an individual without a score or who has a score that is outdated, please complete the HRST via the web-based application. Inaccurate or incomplete HCL scores will directly impact an individual's rate. To help with this, the DDD Rates Unit puts notes on each individual's Rate Sheet informing the provider agency when there is missing nursing or HRST information. Provider agencies should pay attention to the "Notes" on the bottom of every Rate Sheet and follow up when information is missing or incomplete.

At present, the DDD has the following currently on file as it relates to HCL scores and dates of completion.

Current HCL Scores

Number of Individuals HCL Score Percentage of Individuals
536 No Score 5%
3573 1 37%
3092 2 32%
1451 3 15%
593 4 6%
354 5 4%
172 6 2%

Current HCL Dates

Date HRST Completed Number of Individuals Percentage of Individuals
No Date 545 6%
2000 to 2009 2881 29%
2010 to 2020 4682 48%
2021 1020 10%
2022 643 7%

As always, if you have questions in the immediate, please do not hesitate to reach out via  

Thank you.

Sarah Myerscough-Mueller

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