FFY20/SFY21 Exit Data

Illinois IDEA Part C - Exiting Process

Year: 2020-21

A zero count should be used when there were no children to report in the specific category for the given reporting period. Enter "M" (Missing) if the state did not collect or could not report a count for the specific category. For Question 3 (Part B eligible, continuing in Part C) enter NA if the category is not applicable. Please provide an explanation for the missing data in the comment box at the bottom of the survey pages.

What is your state's 12 month reporting period? From: 07/01/2020 To: 06/30/2021

Section A: Reason for Exit by Race/Ethnicity

Program Completion

Reason for Exit Hispanic/Latino American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Two or More Races Total
No Longer Eligible for Part C Prior to Reaching Age Three 371 2 48 175 0 1466 59 2121

Exit at Age Three

Reason for Exit Hispanic/Latino American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Two or More Races Total
Part B Eligible, Exiting Part C 1882 9 230 766 4 4487 212 7590
Part B Eligible, Continuing in Part C NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Not eligible for Part B, Exit with Referrals to other Programs 321 2 43 118 0 775 34 1293
Not Eligible for Part B, Exit with No Referrals 17 0 2 3 0 32 1 55
Part B Eligibility Not Determined 1216 0 76 762 0 1108 46 3208

Not Receiving Services

Reason for Exit Hispanic/Latino American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Two or More Races Total
Deceased 3 0 2 12 0 13 1 31
Moved Out of State 64 0 19 85 0 255 10 433
Withdrawal by Parent or Guardian 487 1 55 202 0 893 43 1681
Attempts to Contact Unsuccessful 589 1 45 420 0 817 71 1943
Total Number of Infants and Toddlers Exiting by Racial Ethnic Groups 4950 15 520 2543 4 9846 477 18355

Comment: Illinois incorporated a new data element to collect information on families who exited due to COVID (not a priority, concerns of personal health, too many unknowns right now, etc.). The chart inserted here shows those numbers by race/ethnic groups. HISPANIC/Latino AMERICAN INDIAN/ALASKA NATIVE ASIAN Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander WHITE 2 or More Races Total 65 0 3 56 0 78 6 208

Section A (Percentages): Reason for Exit by Race/Ethnicity

Program Completion

Reason for Exit % Hispanic/ Latino % American Indian or Alaska Native % Asian % Black or African American % Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander % White % Two or More Races Total
No Longer Eligible for Part C Prior to Reaching Age Three 17.5 0.1 2.3 8.3 0 69.1 2.8 100

Exit at Age Three

Reason for Exit % Hispanic/ Latino % American Indian or Alaska Native % Asian % Black or African American % Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander % White % Two or More Races Total
Part B Eligible, Exiting Part C 24.8 0.1 3 10.1 0.1 59.1 2.8 100
Part B Eligible, Continuing in Part C NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Not eligible for Part B, Exit with Referrals to other Programs 24.8 0.2 3.3 9.1 0 59.9 2.6 100
Not Eligible for Part B, Exit with No Referrals 30.9 0 3.6 5.5 0 58.2 1.8 100
Part B Eligibility Not Determined 37.9 0 2.4 23.8 0 34.5 1.4 100

Not Receiving Services

Reason for Exit % Hispanic/Latino % American Indian or Alaska Native % Asian % Black or African American % Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander % White % Two or More Races Total
Deceased 9.7 0 6.5 38.7 0 41.9 3.2 100
Moved Out of State 14.8 0 4.4 19.6 0 58.9 2.3 100
Withdrawal by Parent or Guardian 29 0.1 3.3 12 0 53.1 2.6 100
Attempts to Contact Unsuccessful 30.3 0.1 2.3 21.6 0 42 3.7 100
Total Number of Infants and Toddlers Exiting by Racial Ethnic Groups 27 0.1 2.8 13.9 0 53.6 2.6 100

Section B: Reason for Exit by Gender

 Program Completion

Reason for Exit Male Female Total
No Longer Eligible for Part C Prior to Reaching Age Three 1151 970 2121

Exit at Age Three

Reason for Exit Male Female Total
Part B Eligible, Exiting Part C 5204 2386 7590
Part B Eligible, Continuing in Part C NA NA NA
Not eligible for Part B, Exit with Referrals to other Programs 817 476 1293
Not Eligible for Part B, Exit with No Referrals 32 23 55
Part B Eligibility Not Determined 2110 1098 3208

Not Receiving Services

Reason for Exit Male Female Total
Deceased 14 17 31
Moved Out of State 283 150 433
Withdrawal by Parent or Guardian 1021 660 1681
Attempts to Contact Unsuccessful 1191 752 1943
Total Number of Infants and Toddlers Exiting by Gender 11823 6532 18355

Program Completion

Reason for Exit % Male % Female Total
No Longer Eligible for Part C Prior to Reaching Age Three 54.3 45.7 100
Exit at Age Three
Part B Eligible, Exiting Part C 68.6 31.4 100
Part B Eligible, Continuing in Part C NA NA NA
Not eligible for Part B, Exit with Referrals to other Programs 63.2 36.8 100
Not Eligible for Part B, Exit with No Referrals 58.2 41.8 100
Part B Eligibility Not Determined 65.8 34.2 100

Exit at Age Three

Reason for Exit % Male % Female Total
Part B Eligible, Exiting Part C 68.6 31.4 100
Part B Eligible, Continuing in Part C NA NA NA
Not eligible for Part B, Exit with Referrals to other Programs 63.2 36.8 100
Not Eligible for Part B, Exit with No Referrals 58.2 41.8 100
Part B Eligibility Not Determined 65.8 34.2 100

 Not Receiving Services

Reason for Exit Male Female Total
Deceased 14 17 31
Moved Out of State 283 150 433
Withdrawal by Parent or Guardian 1021 660 1681
Attempts to Contact Unsuccessful 1191 752 1943
Total Number of Infants and Toddlers Exiting by Gender 11823 6532 18355