CESSA Statewide Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 12/12/2022

Approved by Committee Members 01/09/2023

Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) Statewide Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes - Monday, December 12, 2022 - 1:00-3:00 pm via WebEx

  • Meeting called to order 1:03pm by Grace Hou
  • Roll Call Lee Ann Reinert
    • Present: Cindy Barbera-Brelle, Chris Huff, Curtis Harris, Erika L. Freeman, Pooja Nagpal, Shelley Dallas, Brent Reynolds, Ashley Thoele, Richard Manthy, Alice Cary, Jim Kaitschuk, Blanca Campos, Emily Miller
    • Dr. David Albert not present: Lee Ann Reinert as a delegate
    • Absent: Drew Hanson
    • 14/15 Members are present/represented
  • Approval of October and November Meeting Minutes
    • Chris Huff states one change he was NOT present for October meeting as stated
    • Pooja Nagpal was not present in October but approved November minutes
    • Shelley Dallas was present but abstained on vote for meeting notes
    • Motion to Approve: Reynolds
    • Second Motion: Manthy
  • State Updates: Lee Ann Reinert reported on
    • Technical difficulties experienced by Vibrant's operating platform that impacted 988 operations
    • Change to the deadline for CESSA passed during Veto session
    • Regional work being facilitated by the UIC Crisis Hub was described in detail by Dr. Jones from the UIC Crisis Hub with focused discussion on questions around how protocols are vetted through the EMS committees at the Regional level as well as identification of issues of continued confusion between the various parts of the EMS system.
  • Subcommittee updates:
    • Cindy Barbera-Brelle reported on the Standards and Protocols meeting, including fact finding that is occurring in those meetings, and sought feedback on how to move forward with the development of guidance around the risk matrix.
    • Peter Eckart and Brent Reynolds reported on the Technology/Data Subcommittee and provided summary of meetings, including two types of data that have been identified as needed.
    • Emily Miller reported on the Communications Subcommittee meetings, and encouraged additional members to consider joining this work. A specific focus of recent meetings was around how to insure channels to communicate broadly with stakeholders.
  • Approval for next CESSA meetings:
  • Jan 9, Feb 13, March 13, April10, May 8, and June 12
    • Feb 13 is a state holiday and a new date will set
    • 2:41- Emily Miller 1st motion
    • Chris Huff 2nd motion
  • Approved by Consensus-all in favor
  • Public Comments
    • Craig Kowalski - requested clarification on the regional committees including the posting of dates/times of meetings for each.
    • Cosette A. - requested clarification on how responses to emailed question would be addressed.
    • Matt Fishback - made suggestion regarding how regional meetings needed to be posted.

2:47 pm Secretary Hou adjourned the meeting