CESSA - Region 1 Committee Meeting Approved Minutes 12/01/2022

Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) Region 1 Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes- Thursday, 12/01/2022 - 10:00-11:00 AM

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 01/05/2023

  • Open Meetings Act
    • These meetings will be subject to Open Meetings Act.
    • A copy of the agendas and meeting minutes will be posted to the Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Mental Health Open Meetings Page.
  • Call to Order/Introductions
    • Meeting called to order at 10:02am by Patrick Phelan.
    • Attendees:
      • Via web-based Teams: Patrick Phelan, Erin Rigert, Matt Smetana, Joan Lodge, Josh Lewis, Christopher Scroll, David Lohse, Danielle Angileri, Deanna Cada, Heather Butler, Jason Holcomb, Jason Leverton, Lorrie Jones, Matthew Fishback, Brandon Lieber
      • Absent- Brenda Hampton, Tessa Lohse, Jeanine Kaplan, Gregory Conrad
  • Roll Call and Introductions: Committee members provided a brief introduction and discussed their roles as they relate to CESSA.
  • Membership Recruitment
    • Two individuals are currently submitting applications to fill open positions in the Behavioral Health Provider and 911 PSAP Representative categories.
    • In addition, one new member may potentially be added in the Advocate category which will still leave two openings. Members were encouraged to contact the committee chairs if they have individuals to refer for these positions.
  • CESSA Legislation and Structure
    • Mr. Phelan briefly outlined:
      • The DHS Division of Mental Health continuum of crisis services.
      • Statewide maps for crisis service coverage, 911 PSAP's and EMS regions.
      • The general contents of the CESSA legislation, also known as the Stephon Edward Watts Act.
      • The continuum of police and community response.
      • The timeline for CESSA implementation.
      • The CESSA structure including the Statewide Advisory Committee, Subcommittees, and the Regional Advisory Committees.
      • Regional EMS and 911 PSAP maps.
    • Committee members were provided with a link of CESSA Legislative and asked to familiarize themselves with the legislation: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/publicacts/102/PDF/102-0580.pdf
    • A draft Charter was reviewed and discussed pending final approval at the January 2023 meeting. It was noted that the current Charter runs through 1/1/23, but that the CESSA legislation requires completion of the regional committee process prior to final implementation. The legislature may pass an extension of the timeline in the veto session. The committee will await further updates on this issue but continue to meet in the interim.
      • Consensus and simple majority votes.
      • The possibility of regional subcommittees will be addressed as needed.
      • The management of public comment.
  • Questions and Answers
    • Committee members discussed next steps for accomplishing the goals of the committee.
    • Dr Jones noted that draft protocols will be sent from subcommittee members to regional committee members for discussion.
    • A draft document will be sent to committee members: Nena Standard for 9-1-1/9-8-8 Interactions.
    • Committee members from various areas will provide background explanations of their roles and interplay with CESSA.
    • Discussed development of decision trees.
    • Discussed background on 998 responses and current protocols.
    • Discussed critical issues such as response times and safety measures.
  • State Updates
    • Dr. Jones noted that the legislature is working on extending this project out through July 2023.
    • Dr. Jones reiterated that the Statewide Advisory Committee with provide the Regional Committees with resources, to avoid spending time preparing resources from scratch.
    • Committee members are welcome to attend statewide subcommittees as many valuable presentations will be provided.
  • Public Comment: No public comments.
  • Next Meeting: Thursday 1/5/2023 at 2:00pm. Subsequent meetings will be held at 2:00pm on the first Thursday of each month and are scheduled through June 2023.
  • Dismissal: Meeting was adjourned at 11:03am.