IMHPAC: Child & Adolescent Subcommittee Minutes 11/18/2022

IMHPAC C&A Agenda 11/18/22

Members-Michelle Churchey-Mims, Chris O'Hara, Ray O'Connor, Amy Starin, Emily LeFew

Public- DeeAnn Ryan

DMH staff-

  1. Attendance, call to order- 12:33
  2. Review and approval of minutes: Approved
  3. Overview of committee goals, mission & time frames: Raise up children's issues and advise DMH and IMHPAC committee.
  4. New Business-Update on Pathways implementation. Discussion regarding incentive to provide the new services under NB due to the rates being lower and require more training and supervision.
  5. Old Business/Updates Reviewed and agreed to statement to be sent out to various stakeholder to invite to attend meeting:
    • Are you interested in raising up youth and family issues and helping to advise DMH and the larger IL Mental Health Planning and Advisory Council (IMHPAC) on children's mental health needs and/or services? The IMHPAC Child and Adolescent Subcommittee could benefit from your participation and voice. The committee meets on the third Friday of every month from 12:30-1:30p. If you are interested in joining or would like more information, please reach out to co-chairs, Michelle Churchey-Mims: and Chris O'Hara- You can also find previous meeting information on the IMHPAC: Children & Adolescent 2022 Meetings page.
    • Ray moved and Emily seconded motion: CMH committee is requesting information from DMH to understand the funding structure for CMH system. What funds come through DMH and how are those coordinated with the other state departments that intersect with children's mental health system, i.e., HFS, ISBE, DCFS. This will be presented to larger IMHPAC committee.
  6. Vote on previously proposed measures- n/a
  7. Review of next steps-Agreed to continue to meet on third Fridays from 12:30-1:30p in next calendar year.
  8. Public comments

The committee meets virtually on the third Friday of each month at 12:30-1:30 p.m. All are welcome. Next meeting 12/16/22