IMHPAC: Child & Adolescent Subcommittee Minutes 10/21/2022

IMHPAC C&A Minutes 10/21/2022

Members-Michelle Churchey-Mims, Chris O'Hara, Erin Grima, Ray O'Connor, Amy Starin

Public-Emily LeFew, DeeAnn Ryan

DMH staff-Lisa Betz, Courtney Aidich, Lynn Akker, IDPH

  1. Attendance, call to order-12:36
  2. Review and approval of minutes -Amy and Ray motioned and minutes were approved.
  3. Overview of committee goals, mission & time frames Raise up children's issues and advise DMH and IMHPAC committee.
  4. New Business-
    • Updates from other meetings as relates to CMH-statewide conference by ICOY upcoming next Tuesday.
    • Young Adult CRSS-DMH is working with IODAPCA regarding program for an additional endorsement for CRSS staff who are interested in working with ages 15-25 years. Anticipated to be available 12/1/22
    • Recruiting Parents to committee
  5. Old Business/Updates
    • What areas of CMH are in the Block Grant-how this committee might provide guidance/inform?-a request to be submitted to Brock Dunlap at DMH. Most goes to support adult residential.
    • Informing CMH provider network about the availability of Practicewise-increasing tools in their toolbox to help with increasing competency
    • Informing CMH provider network about this committee-a request should be sent to Irwin at DMH and IMHPAC secretary. The committee develop a brief statement to be sent out to larger audience. Discussed that if we are wanted to include youth-we might have to look at time of meeting
    • Update on coordination between 590 response and SASS/MCR so youth and families will not require multiple interventions with multiple providers. Lisa notes ongoing meetings with DMH and HFS but no update on including stakeholders.
  6. Vote on previously proposed measures-n/a
  7. Review of next steps
  8. Public comments-none
  9. The committee meets virtually on the third Friday of each month at 12:30-1:30 p.m. All are welcome. Next meeting 11/18/22