HCBS Settings Compliance Countdown: 109 days
Policy Compliance Action Plans (CAP)
By tomorrow, the settings team will have sent all compliance action plans (CAPs) for policies to organizations to address and return. As a reminder, in the spring when organizations were asked to submit evidence for all their sites, they were also asked to submit a separate set of HCBS Settings specific policies under ADMIN in the portal with all their organizational policies related to settings. The validators reviewed the organizational policies separate from the site validations. Some organizational policies were found not to be in compliance with the settings rule and others organizations unfortunately did not submit policies separately. If you are one of those organizations, you will be receiving a CAP for policies. Completing a Policy CAP is slightly different than a CAP for a site. Organizations have 14 days to return to DDD the CAP with the specific policies addressing the identified compliance areas inserted directly into the CAP. The organization can then indicate under "Indicate that the policy is now in place as of (effective date)", the effective date or state that the policy is pending board approval and indicate the board meeting date. Please send the CAP with the policies inserted back to DHS.HCBS@illinois.gov within 14 days. Please DO NOT send separate policy documents.
As always if you have questions or concerns, you can email DHS.HCBS@illinois.gov or attend the Tuesday office hours at 10 am. DDD thanks you for your attention to this matter. If you have not yet heard about any site CAPs or validations, you can email DHS.HCBS@illinois.gov with inquiries.
HCBS Settings Rule Beneficiary Complaint Process
Beginning in December, DDD is offering a phone number and email for people who are concerned about individual issues with a site or service related to the HCBS settings rule. Call 877-657-0005 or email DHS.HCBScomplaints@illinois.gov and a DDD staff person will reach out within 72 hours to understand the issues and connect with stakeholders to problem solve solutions.