PM 03-22-04-a.
NOTE: For level 1 and 2, code 512 reflects 50% of the Payment Level before any income is budgeted or the cash benefit amount, whichever is less. For level 3, code 512 equals the cash benefit amount. When code 512 equals the cash benefit amount, the system enters zero grant reason C in Item 34.
If the family reapplies after the first 3 months of the sanction period and more than one month after cancellation, delete the sanction codes in AIS by entering DL under Reason. The family gets a fresh chance to cooperate.
After the case has been canceled for 3 months (without a medical extension), all sanction codes are centrally deleted and do not appear in AIS if the family reapplies. Do not reenter the codes if they do not appear in AIS.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary
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