HCBS Settings Compliance Communication: 116 days
HFS Public Notice Released Friday
The State has published their feedback to public comments on the State's Final Statewide Transition Plan (STP) draft. The attached Public Notice includes a link to the State's responses.
HCBS Settings Office Hours Continue Through December
Tomorrow, and every Tuesday through December, the DDD will continue to hold open office hours at 10 am on Tuesday. Please note, office hours begin at 10 am and will last as long as there are questions. For next week, join us:
Attestations and Compliance Action Plan (CAP) Follow Up
Thank you to all those providers who completed the attestation regarding residency agreements, lockable doors and modifications. As a reminder, all providers with any provider controlled site needs to complete the attestation. If you have residential sites, please complete all three questions. If you only have a CDS, please skip the first two residential specific items and confirm the modifications question. All providers need to attest to their completion of the requirements. If you have any concerns, please email DHS.HCBS@illinois.gov. Here is the attestation: IDHS: HCBS Settings Rule: Confirmation of Provider Compliance with Residency Agreement Policy, Lockable Door Policy and Modification Process (state.il.us). DDD staff are actively reaching out to any site that has missed their 14 day or 60 day deadline for CAPs. It is critical that sites submit the CAPs on time as we are quickly approaching the March deadline where all sites must be in compliance.
Quality Assurance on CAPs
Quality assurance efforts are underway to confirm completion of compliance action plans. The DDD is reviewing all 14 day CAPs as they are submitted. In addition, the DDD staff have begun to reach out to providers for evidence of the completed CAPs for specific sites to perform quality assurance reviews. Providers will receive a request to submit evidence of CAP completion, which will be reviewed to confirm compliance. To be clear, NO evidence should be submitted unless the DDD staff request it. Generally, for CAP compliance, providers need to return the CAPs within 14 days with the systems they will put into place to address compliance concerns and then return CAPs a second time, confirming that they have completed the actions. If a provider completes the CAP early, please sign and return the CAP indicating in the email the CAP is fully completed. The DDD anticipates reviewing 1-5 sites per provider with sites with CAPs based on number of sites.