IDHS/SUPR FY23 2nd Quarter Training Opportunities

The Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (IDHS/SUPR) invites you to participate in IDHS/SUPR sponsored trainings scheduled during the second (2nd) quarter of fiscal year 2023. Trainings are offered to support compliance with Administrative Rule 2060, staff development, and encourage the use of best practices in substance use disorder treatment. Some trainings focus on trauma and medication assisted recovery.

Please review the included "FY23 2nd Qtr. IDHS-SUPR Training Calendar" for a list of all trainings sponsored by IDHS/SUPR that are scheduled between October-December 2022. IDHS/SUPR encourages review of the calendar as it includes descriptions, dates and times for each training, prerequisites, and registration information. Please note that Prevention First is coordinating the trainings. You will also find the included handout "IDHS-SUPR Training Registration Instructions" with instructions on how to register for these trainings.

IDHS/SUPR strongly encourages authorized organization representatives (AORs) to share this Smart Alert and handouts with staff providing clinical and recovery support services and support their participation in these important trainings.

Registration will remain open until all training slots are full. IDHS/SUPR cannot expand the number of slots available for these trainings. Therefore, early registration is highly encouraged. The trainings are free and CEUs will be offered for Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselors (CADCs), social workers and licensed clinical professional counselors. As a reminder, IDHS/SUPR-funded organizations can bill for participation in these trainings. Staff time spent in an IDHS/SUPR sponsored training can be billed to Community Intervention using activity code 35.

If your organization is interested in other technical assistance or training, please contact