First section of meeting is open to the public. Actual review of mortality review cases is closed to the public.
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 pm
- Welcome
- Approval of Meeting Minutes: April 20, 2022
- Hello and Goodbyes
- Announcements
Meeting Notes
- Dennis Beedle, MD, Interim Chairperson
- Anne Fitz, RN, Department of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Shane Burke, MD, Northwestern University Fellow
- Justin Spring, MD, Northwestern University Fellow
- Stacey Aschemann, Equip For Equality
- Randy Malan, RPh, Retired OCAPS
- Chris Helfrich, RN, DD Homes Network
- Amy Tarr, DHS/OIG Legislation
- Sue Hughes, DHS/DMH Administrative Support
Members Not in Attendance
*Stephen Dinwiddie, MD, Northwestern University
Welcome & Introductions
Dr. Beedle welcomed the group to the July meeting and thanked everyone for taking the time to attend. Dr. Beedle welcomed the two newest members, Northwestern Fellows, Drs. Shane Burke, and Justin Spring. He explained the meeting is recorded as part of the public meetings act. The first portion of the meeting is open to the public and the second portion, in which cases are reviewed is closed to the public.
Drs. Burke and Spring introduced themselves to the group and then each member introduced themselves as well.
Review of Previous Draft Meeting Report
Randy Malan stated he was unable to open the files Amy Tarr sent him with all the pharmacal therapies. Amy stated this has been an on-going issue and is working with legal on an alternate way to send confidential information. She will keep the group updated on this issue.
The voting members approved the meeting report from April 20, 2022, as written.
Hello and Goodbyes
Dr. Beedle stated he has reached out to two possible new board members. Drs. Mary Keen and Joyce Miller have been sent nomination forms.
Dr. Beedle mentioned the training requirements for board members.
Case Reviews
o Nine level 2 cases reviewed.
The open meeting adjourned at 9:10 a.m. and the closed meeting began at 9:13 a.m.
Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 19, 2022, via Webex