Child Care Advisory Council Meeting
March 30, 2022
Welcome Back!
If you are a Council member, please introduce yourself by typing the following into the chat:
- Name
- Role
- Organization
- Location
UPDATE: OMA Training is now available! ALL Council members must register to access the training.
Allison Perkins Caldwell
Ann Grecek
Ayesha Calhoun
Brenda Eastham
Brynn Siebert
Carie Bires
Carisa Hurley
Casey Craft-Cortes
Cerathel Burgess-Burnett
Charles Montorio Archer
Chris Tokarski
Curtis Peace
Dan Harris
Edie Washington
Jamilah R. Jor`dan
Jenna Kelly
Karen Ross-Williams
Lauri Morrison Frichtl
Laurie Rhodes
Leslie Cully
Lori Longueville
Marcy Mendenhall
Maricela Garcia
Mykela Collins
Nina Duenas
Ruth Kimble
Sandra Cole
Shauna Ejeh
Stacie Ealey
Tamera Fair
Teri Talen
Tina Staley
Tracy Carls
Vanessa Castro
Vicki Hodges
Virtual Meeting Etiquette
- Please remember to stay on mute if you are not speaking.
- Please feel welcome to turn on your video!
- We recommend dialing in via phone and connecting your phone to your video to avoid internet connectivity issues.
- Send a private chat to Lanette Woodard if you are having technical difficulties.
- Make sure your Zoom name is your own.
- There will be time for comments from the public at the end of the meeting.
- 1:00 - 2:15 pm: Full Council
- Welcome and Introductions
- Discuss CCAC Member Survey results
- Review and Vote: CCAP Policy Committee Recommendations
- Updating Committee charges for 2022
- Current context and work done to date
- IDHS priorities for recommendations and committee engagement
- Discussion
Break: 2:30-2:45 pm
- 2:30 - 3:40pm Committees
- 3:40 - 3:55pm Regroup and Discussion
- 3:55 - 4:00pm Public Comment
Thank you for completing the CCAC Member Survey!
CCAP Policy Committee Recommendations
Updating Committee Charges for 2022:
Current Context and Work Done to Date
The Child Care Development Fund and the Child Care Assistance Program
CCDF Non-compliance Findings
- OCC will combine findings and issue into one joint communication indicating compliance status with outstanding findings.
- 2021 CCDF State Plan Monitoring (Cycle 1)
- FFY 2022-2024 CCDF Plan Approval Process
- Illinois will continue to address the issues we have been informed of to date.
CCDF Non-compliance Findings
Eligibility Determination & Redetermination Processes
- Approval can't be for fewer than 12-months if:
- approved after 1st of the month;
- transitioning from Intact Families with no activity;
- homeless with no activity;
- child turning 13 during eligibility period;
- graduated phase-out.
- Temporary losses of activity can't have time limits for Grace Periods
CCDF Non-compliance Findings
Health and Safety Requirements - Standards
- Group size limits for license-exempt homes needed.
- Ratios for license-exempt centers needed.
- Provider requirements and monitoring of emergency preparedness and response does not include all components for all CCDF provider types.
CCDF Non-compliance Findings
Training and Professional Development
* Provider orientation training and monitoring not covering all 11 required topics for all provider types.
Equal Access
* Development and implementation of policy to pay appropriate provider registration fees for CCAP families needed.
Statewide Disaster Plan Components and Response Planning
* Requirements for emergency preparedness and response that includes all of the components for all provider types needed.
Illinois is in the process of completing a Narrow Cost Analysis
Regardless of whether Lead Agencies conduct a market rate survey or an alternative methodology, they are required to analyze the estimated cost of care (including any relevant variation by geographic location, category of provider, or age of child), in two areas:
- The cost of child care providers' implementation of health, safety, quality, and staffing requirements (i.e., applicable licensing and regulatory requirements, health and safety standards, training and professional development standards, and appropriate child to staff ratio, group size limits, and caregiver qualification requirements)
- The cost of higher-quality care, as defined by the Lead Agency using a quality rating and improvement system or other system of quality indicators, at each level of quality
Market Rate Survey measures the price of care in the market. Narrow Cost Analysis will measure the "true" cost of providing care.
Narrow Cost Analysis Completion Timeline
2020: Initial internal cost model developed (current program requirements)
2021: Early Childhood Funding Commission cost model developed (ideal system scale and requirements)
Feb 2022: 2021 Market Rate Survey published
March 2022: Initial input from CCAC
May 2022: Draft Narrow Cost Analysis to be shared with CCAC
June 2022: Narrow Cost Analysis must be submitted to U.S. HHS
What questions do you have about the Narrow Cost Analysis so far?
Federal Child Care Relief Funds
IDHS has invested relief funds to stabilize Illinois child care
Strengthen and Grow Child Care Grant: Round 1 Update
To date in Round 1,
$39 million has been distributed to 3,220 licensed child care programs.
ECEC Enrollment Community Outreach Grants
IDHS Division of Early Childhood (DEC) will be funding an ECEC Enrollment Community RFP.
- $6M in funding for local community outreach to increase enrollment
- Available to all 102 counties across Illinois
- Funding
- Based on number of children under 12 in each county
- Could range from $2000 - $500,000 per county
- Priority given to largest enrollment decreases
- Grant add-ons to counties with a higher Social Vulnerability Index
What is the Social Vulnerability Index?
? Identifies communities that will most likely need support before,
during, and after a public health emergency
- Ranks counties on fifteen social factors including
- poverty,
- lack of vehicle access, and
- crowded housing.
- Can be used by all states to identify vulnerable counties and build equity into resource allocation
How will the grants funds be used?
IDHS-DEC is being intentional about providing flexibility in the RFP process to tailor grants to local community needs. A few examples of how communities could use these outreach funds include:
- Planning and hosting an enrollment event
- Providing a one-stop shop for families to gather resources, have
their child screened, and access and enroll in needed services
- Distributing materials with information and enrollment steps
- Providing a needed service in an under resourced community (i.e., back to school haircuts, housing resources, etc.) to fill a basic need and provide enrollment outreach
- Hold a job fair and/or training for child care positions
How will community organizations know about the RFP?
- INCCRRA website
- Existing channels to alert community organizations
Additionally, INCCRRA will record a technical assistance video for
those interested in completing an RFP.
? The video will include information about the RFP, grant dollars, funding amounts, and reporting requirements.
Next Steps
April: RFP Released
May: Awardees Announced
June: Grants Released
Opportunity for Input
If you would like to be more involved in the ECEC Enrollment Community Outreach Grants, please contact:
Division of Early Childhood, Director Kirstin Chernawsky
Updating Committee Charges for 2022:
IDHS Priorities
IDHS Priorities for CCAC Committee Charges
Family Engagement
- Advising and feedback on early childhood enrollment campaign, administered by INCCRRA in partnership with GOECD and IDHS.
- Recommendations on how to reduce barriers to entry into CCAP and grow CCAP caseload.
- Recommendations on how IDHS could approach a "no wrong door" policy and improved referrals across child care
and other IDHS and early childhood services.
CCAP Policy
- Recommendations on coming into compliance following CCDF State Plan and Federal Monitoring Review results.
- Recommendations on how to operationalize rate decoupling and contract expansion over time.
- Recommendations on how to use a narrow cost analysis and market rate survey to set CCAP rates.
- Recommendations on how to implement PDAC and CCR&R committee recommendations (in partnership with them)
- Recommendations on how to revise and implement health and safety policy and monitoring.
Quality and Workforce
- Recommendations on how to conduct inclusive health and safety training outreach.
- Recommendations on how IDHS and partners can provide inclusive and supportive training and technical assistance on the Strengthen and Grow Child Care grants and sustainability beyond the grants.
Setting CCAC 2022 Committee Charges
- Will the CCAC provide recommendations on how to restore the IDHS child care program, or something else?
- What is the CCAC working toward through its recommendations?
How should this shape the committee's charges?
Return at 2:45 pm
Thank you!
Next meeting:
May 18, 2022 from 1:00-4:00pm