New Americans Initiative (NAI)

NAI funds community-based organizations to provide citizenship services to eligible permanent residents to apply for citizenship through the U.S. naturalization process and DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) administers this program through a network of community-based partner agencies.

NAI partners provide services targeted to low-income, Limited English Proficient (LEP) immigrants/refugee, seniors, women and youth with special needs.

Services provided a) Community education and outreach; b) English language classes for citizenship language test and Citizenship civic education classes; and d) Assistance, including legal guidance, with the U.S. citizenship or DACA application preparation/submission and interview process.

For more information contact:

Office of Welcoming Centers for Refugee and Immigrant Services
Illinois Department of Human Services
401 S Clinton St, 4th Floor, Chicago IL, 60607