CESSA Protocol & Standards Subcommittee Meeting - Thursday, September 22, 2022 - 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. via WebEx
Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 10/6/2022
- Dr. Lorrie Jones called the meeting to order at 2:33 p.m.
- Attendees: Blanca Campos, Cindy Barbera-Brelle, Drew Hansen, Dennis Duke, Dr. Eddie Markel, Leslee Stein-Spenser, Richard Mantly, Shelly Dallas, Chris Huff, Jennifer Wooldridge, Lia Daniels, Kathleen McNamara
- Dr. Jones reminded the group that this meeting is bound by the Open Meetings Act and its contents are being recorded.
- Call for the Approval of the Agenda. There was no objection to the agenda.
- Committee members were reminded that they must complete the Open Meetings Act (OMA) training.
- Dr. Jones indicated that the Charter was sent to the group in advance. The highlights of the Charter are:
- Identifying a Chair and co-Chair
- For the purpose of deciding chair and co-chair, are there any thoughts on how to proceed?
- Is there anyone interested in volunteering for these positions? If so, a decision on volunteers* chair and co-chair will be discussed offline.
- Cindy Barbera-Brelle*
- Richard Mantly*
- Chris Huff*
- Managing Public Comment
- Should the schedule leave 1/2 hours open for Public Comment?
- No Objection: - Yes, the last 1/2 hour will be devoted to Public Comments
- Decision of the Structure
- Any objections to using the same process as the Statewide Advisory Committee?
- It was agreed to use the same processes as SAC. Take a vote and the majority wins.
- Note: This committee is going to try to stay one pace ahead of the Regional Advisory Committees' work.
- Meeting Cadence and Schedule
- What should be our meeting schedule? Suggestions?
- No objection: It was agreed to meet every two weeks - bi-weekly.
- Meeting date/time will be Thursdays from 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- No objections to the schedule of meetings or the date/time
- #1 - Deliverables in New Protocol and Standards
- How to best approach
- Development of a Work Plan
Deliverable #1:
- Approval of Vendor Scripts for PSAPs 911 call center. Cindy did a cursory explanation of what the 911 Vendors do in developing the scripts.
- Will vendors provide their products or whatever they have finalized, thus far?
- Is there a timeline when this work is to be completed?
- Do the scripts vary among the respective providers?
- The scripts all have similarities, but there could be variations, based on regional needs, i.e., rural vs urban, may not be consistent across the states. Approval of the scripts lie with the EMS Medical Director of Protocols.
- Scripts are the questions asked to get the information needed by the 911 call handlers that drives response actions.
- Will approval for the scripts go to the Region, first, then to the SAC?
- 85% of the state is cover by one of the three vendors. However, there are a few jurisdictions that approve their own scripts - allows for customization
- Can anyone have access to the scripts or protocol to enhance their individual knowledge?
- Is there any way to get a list of Regions that have multiple EMS Directors to better understand what that process looks like?
- There are 62 EMS systems in Illinois. The statewide EMS system is not a one stop fit for all.
- How will this be reflective of 911 referrals to Program 590?
- 988 will dispatch calls to Program 590. 911 PSAP will not call 590s.
SAC expects each Region to report up and can ask Regions directly to receive their work product. One or more of the Vendors can be invited to talk about their scripts work product to this group. Examples of other scripts would be helpful.
Kathleen McNamara has people looking at scripts from different areas across the county, both 911 dispatch and 988s. Also, Vendors develop the scripts, but it is the State's decision how to execute dispatch.
For jurisdictions that develop their own scripts the EMS approval process is the same. It would be beneficial to understand better how scripts are developed.
Deliverable #2
- Obtain information from other jurisdictions on risk attributions and how to look at incident types, such as LA County, Virginia, etc. [Richard]
- How do PSAPSs do risk attribution?
- The line of questioning should be is it a mental health or behavioral health issues [Chris]
- Call takers do a risk assessment already - 1st action is to determine if there is a weapon, 2nd action is there a crime in progress, and 3rd action what is the safety risks [Shelly]
- Priority Dispatch will have their script ready by November and is willing to share and meet with the group to discuss [Cindy]
- Would like to see what other jurisdictions are doing
- Check with CPD, CPD co-responder's pilots [Dr. Markel will follow-up]
- Contact LA county regarding their model and ask for a presentation
Next Steps:
- Have Priority Dispatch meet with this group on October 6th
- If there are any questions for the vendor, send them to Lorrie Jones in advance
- Interface 911 > 988 - any call requiring a behavioral health response will go from 911 PSAPs to 988 LCCs
- Calls of high risk, lethality, danger to self or others do not go to 988
Lorrie provided brief Regional Advisory Committee updates, i.e., scheduled meetings with EMS MD and CEO. Regional launch anticipated in late October. Technology meeting scheduled for Monday.
The meeting was opened for Public Comment - No Public Comment
Meeting adjourned at 3:43 p.m.