HCBS Settings Countdown: 182 days

HCBS Settings Compliance Countdown: 182 days

Provider Attestation Released: Please Complete by October 14, 2022

As has been discussed previously, ALL providers with provider controlled sites must attest that they have implemented the HCBS settings residency agreement and lockable doors requirements per the information bulletins as well as indicate that they will follow the new modification process through the updated Person Centered Planning process. Here is the attestation. It will take less than a minute to complete, just requiring the provider to input contact information and check three boxes. We need all providers with provider controlled sites to attest ONLY ONCE that you are complying at all sites. You can email DHS.HCBS@illinois.gov  with questions.

Please note: CDS only providers should just check the third attestation to confirm the organization will follow the modification process and leave the statements bout residency agreements and lovable doors blank.

Reminder: Office Hours Focused on Best Practices and CAPs

As the DDD works to send validation letters and compliance action plans (CAPs), the following office hours are being offered on specific components of the HCBS Settings Rule Compliance. The office hours will offer an opportunity to hear and share strategies to address compliance issues and CAPs generally as well as best practices that all providers might consider as the system as a whole shifts from initial to ongoing Settings compliance and best practices. For ease, the office hours have been assigned a specific topic and area of compliance.

Join from the meeting link (same for all meetings)

Tuesday/Thursday 10:00-11:00 AM CT

  • Sept 20 - Community access (1)
  • Sept 22 - Privacy, dignity and respect, freedom from coercion and restraint (3)
  • Sept 27 - Visitors (including discussion of 4c choices with whom to interact) (7)
  • Sept 29 - Provider controlled issues surrounding home setting (privacy, locked doors, roommates, furnish & decorate) (10)
  • Oct 4 - Freedom to control schedule and activities (including discussion of 4a choices of daily activities) (4, 6)
  • Oct 6 - Physical accessibility of sites (including discussion of 4b physical accessibility) (4, 8)
  • Oct 11 - Choices of supports and who providers them (5)
  • Oct 13 - Residential Agreements (9)
  • Oct 18 - Modifications (11)

( ) - Indicates the specific HCBS Settings compliance area as reflected in the tool and the CAPs.

New Training Opportunity

Thanks to ICDD and CQL for continuing to provide additional resources to community providers and stakeholders on critical issues!

ICDD and CQL are proud to announce the next opportunity in our HCBS Settings Rules TA Series!

You are invited to a Zoom webinar on guardianship. This webinar is designed for providers serving individuals with developmental disabilities who are under guardianship. Attendees will learn about guardianship and its parameters, the impact of the HCBS settings rule on providers' responsibilities when supporting individuals under guardianship, and steps providers can take to support individuals when their choices differ from their guardian's.

When: Sep 27, 2022 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Topic: Guardianship and Rights of Individuals Receiving HCBS Services
Register in advance for this webinar: